Final Restoration

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We all finished eating, and Eddie also pitched in to help. I pulled Gareth to the side.
"Listen, I know you wanted this to be an us project, but the extra help is really nice."
G: "I agree. Eddie was actually asking me if he thought i'd let you help."
"Of course I would. He's like that big brother I never had.. and I guess Dustin's that little brother I didn't have."
G: "I know it's a hard adjustment, love." Gareth said as he hugged me.
The paint had dried, and Eddie started installing the new floors, and I hadn't even thought about the roof yet. I think I was leaving as be, maybe put some trippy fabric for the headliner.
Once Eddie got the floor finished, Dustin was just finishing up the seats. They we're nasty, they really did need a good cleaning.
We all went back inside and washed up. Eddie was headed home for the day, and Dustin was ready to go back home.
G: "Babe, listen. I think you and your dad need some alone time, okay? I'll come over sometime next week and help finish the bus." He gave me a hug and kiss goodbye, and I sat on the couch next to my dad.
Z: "How's the bus coming along?"
"It's fine. Just have more or less finishing touched left once the floor is dried and I finish the headliner."
Z: "Do you want to go look for some fabric for the headliner?"
"I already have some."
Z: "What about curtains for the windows? I know you mentioned that."
"I got some already."
Z: "Maybe new headlights?"
"Already replaced them."
Z: "Bedding for the mattress?"
"Got that."
My dad kept listing things, and he finally gave up. It frustrated me because the past few weeks I have shown him everything i've gotten, and it seems like he wasn't paying attention.
Z: "How's the Cuda?" my dad asked breaking the silence.
"A few more tweaks and it's finished." I replied staring blankly at the TV.
I know he wanted to do something with me, but quiet frankly I didn't. My dad then offered to go to the diner for dinner. I agreed to be nice.
We had a pretty silent dinner, i'm not sure he knew what to say. He just looked at me and he looked disheartened. On our drive back home I broke the silence.
"I love you, dad."
My dad starting tearing up and used his free hand to wipe his tears.
Z: "I was worried you stopped."
That broke my heart into thousands of pieces. I could never stop loving my dad. Never.
"I would never stop loving you." I replied.
We got back inside and watched into the garage. I showed my dad the process so far on the microbus, and finally let him in a little bit.
"I think i'm going to carve Gareth's and I's initials into the floor."
Z: "Why don't I make a brand, and you both can brand it?"
"Really! You'd do that!" I exclaimed
Z: "Of course, babygirl."
My dad used to own a ranch before we moved, and handmade his brands. He started working on the brand, and I decided I should finish my Barracuda. I did the last few things it needed, and it was finally finished. I started the Barracuda, and my dad whipped around so fast and ran over.
Z: "It's been a few months since I last heard that beautiful sound." He said as he hugged me.
"Wanna take it for a spin?" I asked.
He agreed and we left once the brand was finished.
We drove it around the block a few times and returned home and got ready for bed.

I woke up for school, and got dressed. I had the same boring routine. I walked down the stairs and saw Dustin at the table.
D: "I guess you'll be taking me to school from now on."
"Of course I'd be the taxi driver for the nerd." I said as I laughed. I guess Eddie usually took him, but I didn't mind. I would take Mike on occasion. We walked into school, and saw Gareth standing where he always does. I walked up and gave him a kiss, and he walked me to my first class. I told Gareth about me finishing the Barracuda, and he told me he wanted a ride after school. My first two classes passed and I was walking in the hallway to my next class I saw Gareth talking to Stephanie, one of the popular girls. She grabbed his hand and was talking to him looking into his eyes.. almost romantically. She picked up his hand and had her lips puckered like she was going to kiss her hand. I stopped in my tracks causing Eddie to run into me from behind.
E: "Watch is jackass, why d-. Shit, Y/N. You okay?" Eddie asked as he looked at what I was staring at. She kissed his hand, and he wasn't even pulling back. I went to turn around and Eddie just wrapped me in his arms and moved me over to the edge of the hall against the lockers. He rested his chin on my head and held me tightly.
E: "You're okay, princess. You're okay."
I'm assuming Gareth must of turned around and saw me standing there with Eddie and I heard him running up behind me.
G: "What happened? Is she okay?" Gareth asked trying to wrap his arms around me.
E: "Don't touch her." Eddie snapped back.
G: "What the fuck is your problem, Eddie?" Gareth snapped back. That's when Eddie gave me a kiss on my forehead.
G: "Fuck. It's not what it looked like Y/N!"
"Then what was it?" I asked with tears streaming down my face.
Gareth eventually convinced Eddie to let me go, and we went to the abandoned stairwell.
G: "Listen: I know it looked bad, I know. But she truthfully wasn't letting go off my hand, and I couldn't be rude. She's best friends with half the basketball team, for fucks sake her brother is Jason. I would've got my face beat in if I was a dick."
"I just don't know.."

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