First Trip

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"Babe. I'm sorry. Eddie's just going through a lot right now.. and I don't want him to be alone. He's my best friend. And I wasn't flirting with him!" I said back after mustering the courage to say anything.
G: "You we're just so handsy.. You held him tighter than me.."
"Gareth, stop! That hug means nothing. He's like my big brother. I love you, and ONLY you!" I saw as I hugged him, squeezing him as hard as I could.
G: "Okay, jesus! Don't strangle me!" He said laughing.
"Happy, now?" I asked as I laughed.
We walked in the garage and saw my dad with Claudia.. They saw us and quickly ran. I ran up to my van and saw that they finished it while I was at school. The bed was put in and made, they had light strung in the back, there was a basket of snacks and a basket of supplies. We rummaged through everything. When we hopped out they walked around the corner.
"Thank you guys!" I said, running and hugging Claudia first. We actually had a great relationship now.
Gareth and my dad awkwardly hugged and I ran up to my dad.
"Thank you, dad!!"
Z: "You're welcome, sweetheart. It was Claudia's idea."
C: "You helped too Zach!"
I was so excited. This was such a nice gesture.
What we needed to figure out was the seating arrangement. I only had 3 seats, and 4 people were coming. Dustin, Gareth, Eddie and I. But I thought Eddie could stuff a mattress in the back of his, and he could bring his van too. Eddie arrived, and I was going to grab my air mattress to see if it would fit, and then Claudia stopped me.
C: "Can we go to your room for a second?" She asked.
We walked in my room and I noticed a bag on the table.
"What is this?" I asked.
C: "Just open it."
I opened it and there was a box of condoms, and there were different styles. Some that would pleasure me, and some that would pleasure Gareth. There was a diva cup as well as tampons, and then.. my mouth dropped to the floor.. there was a vibrator. I pulled the box out and looked at Claudia.
Now, it may seem weird, but I was really open with her and my sex life.. never my dad though. We had a lot of educational and healthy conversations about sex.
C: "I know, weird gift. But I know we've mentioned these for awhile, and I thought that it would be healthy for you to explore your body. You can use it during sex as well.." She said as she smiled.
"Thank you, for all of this! Honestly, I really appreciate it."
It was nice having that mother figure.. Especially an understanding one. I put everything in a backpack with clothes, and brought it down. I didn't want my dad seeing everything.. or really any of it.
Gareth had helped Eddie with the air mattress, and Dustin had finally arrived. Claudia already had a backpack packed for Dustin.
Eddie went back home to grab some clothes, and we were pretty much ready. It was a Thursday, but we planned to stay until at least Saturday.

It was finally night time, and we were getting ready for bed. Dustin and Eddie were sleeping in the van, Gareth and I we're sleeping in my bus.
We crawled in the back and shut the doors, making sure to lock them. We closed all the curtains, and covered the windshield with a sun blocker. It was dark so we turned on the string lights.
"So.. Claudia got me some stuff." I said looking into Gareth's eyes.
G: "And that would be.."
I pulled out the condom and vibrator from my bag. Luckily it was battery operated, and Claudia got me batteries.
G: "Holy shit! What!" He said looked at the 2 boxes.
"I know.. My mouth dropped to the floor. But she told me awhile ago how using a vibrator during sex is amazing."
G: "Maybe when those fools go to bed.. We could try it." Gareth said with a huge smile.
"I think we can make that work." I said giving him a kiss on the lips.
I was honestly nervous, because what if one of them comes to the bus while we're doing it..
We peaked out the window, and it seemed as if Eddie and Dustin fell asleep.
"I think we're in the clear." I said looking at Gareth.
I took all of my clothes off and laid on the mattress, and Gareth looked me up and down.
"What.." I said, looking concerned.
G: "Just admiring how beautiful you are, that's all." He responded as he smiled ear to ear.
Gareth took off everything but his shirt. He was always self conscious about his stomach. I honestly have yet to really see him shirtless.
We ended up using the vibrator, and I was able to orgasm.
We laid in the bus for about 20 minutes, still unclothed. Suddenly, there was a knock on the window and I heard Dustin
"Hey guys. Uhm. Do you have any bottled water?"
Shit. I scooted to the edge covering with a blanket and Gareth put his boxers on. Gareth opened the door and handed Dustin a bottle of water. Dustin looked like he just woke up, so I think we we're in the clear. I put a pair of shorts on along with a short sleeve shirt. It was a little hot in the bus, so I used my clip fan that was also battery operated.
G: "Fuck, i'm still hot." Gareth said about 20 minutes later. I unclipped the fan that was facing me and gave it to Gareth.
Gareth looked at me and looked up at the roof of the van. He sat up, and was slowly taking his shirt off. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable by staring at him, so I looked at the roof too.
He laid back down, and I turned over. His face was beat red, more red than earlier. I looked at him, and scooted over laying on his bare chest. The skin to skin contact felt magical.
I looked up at him, into his deep blue eyes.
"You're handsome as ever, Gareth the Great." I said while softly smiling.
He gave me a kiss on the forehead, and moved the blanket to expose more of his shirtless body. I was very happy that he finally felt comfortable around me.

1103 words

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