Sunday Funday

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Gareth ended up staying in the garage for a few hours and I went back inside. I wanted to work on some journaling.

It was around 2am and Gareth ended up heading home. It was going to be weird not seeing him until Monday. I was getting so used to being around Gareth it was hard not being around him. My dad went to shower and I fell asleep in my bed.. alone.
My dad woke me up at around 9am.
Z: "Hey honey. Would you like to go to church?"
My dad was never a church goer.. ever.
"What? Church?"
Z: "Yes. You don't have to go, i'm just going with one of the moms."
"I'll probably stay here if that's okay?"
Z: "Of course dear. I love you."
My dad gave me a kiss on my forehead. Wait. One of the moms? They only mom I knew that was single was Dustin's.. But I couldn't imagine that was accurate. I rummaged through one of my duffel bags and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. My dad didn't know I smoked, and I honestly didn't smoke them often. I preferred weed over anything. But I wasn't sure of any dealers around here.
I went out on the front porch, and before I could light it Mike came running over.
M: "Y/N! Y/N!" he yelled, almost like he was panicking.
"Yeah Mike? You okay?"
M: "My girlfriend is coming to visit! I need help planning a surprise for her!"
I let out a small giggle.
"I guess. You'll owe me for this. Spending my Sunday morning with a dork."
M: "I'll have my mom give you gas money if you can please take me to the strip mall!"
"I'm kidding. Come on, let's go." I put the cigarette back in the pack, and decided I would just wear my pajamas and bed head. I took him to the strip mall and he got her a card, flowers, a stuffed animal, and a necklace. I helped pick out the flowers and card, he did the rest. I drove us back home and went into the kitchen. I saw my dad and Dustin's mom sitting in the kitchen. There was NO WAY. Maybe they were just friends.
Z: "Hey hun. This is Claudia, Dustin's mom."
"Nice to meet you.. I'm Y/N."
I shook her hand and poured myself a cup of coffee. I still looked like a mess. I changed into a different shirt and went to work on my microbus. I wanted to get a head-start before Gareth started helping me. I deep cleaned the row of seats I was keeping, and was going to scrap the rest. My dad mentioned some car place that would possibly buy it. I knew I'd have to take my dads truck, but that was his baby. There was no way he'd let me drive it. Maybe I could use Eddie's van? At this point it didn't matter. I walked over to the shop door and pulled out my cigarette that I didn't get to smoke earlier. I took a few puffs and heard my dad coming through the side door. Shit. I quickly stomped it out and acted like I was rummaging through parts of my Barracuda.
C: "You two have quite the collection." Claudia said admiring the basically junk yard in the shop. I picked up a couple different things I could use for accessories in my car. I had the classic fuzzy dice and a new steering wheel cover.
All that was left on my Barracuda was the tires and changing the headlights. I had everything minus the rims I REALLY wanted.
My dad walked out of the shop and left Claudia inside.
C: "So you're a car gal?"
"Yeah. I've loved cars since I was a kid."
C: "Where did you guys move from?"
"We moved from Missouri. My dads from here."
C: "Do you guys get along well?"
"Yep. My dad is my best friend."
C: "Do you and your mother get along?"
I threw down the few tools I had in my hand and stormed out shoving passed my dad. Why the FUCK would she ask that. A few minutes later I heard my dad come in with Claudia. I didn't even want to see her face. I walked out the front door as they came in through the kitchen and drove to Gareth's.
I got to Gareth's and knocked on the door, and luckily he answered.
G: "Woah. You okay?"
I had dried mascara tears on my face.
"No. I'm so fucking pissed. Dustin's mom is a fucking bitch!" I yelled out. I walked into Gareth's living room and sat down. I explained to Gareth everything, and he comforted me. He rubbed my back as I weeped. I wish my mom didn't hate me. I was a mess.
G: "Why don't you just stay here for a bit?" He replied.
He went downstairs and brought me a shirt to put on. I was wearing a now dirty pink tank top. I took off my tank in front of him, and he just stared at me in my bra.
"My eyes are up here." I said as I threw the tshirt he gave me over my head.
G: "Hey. I'm going to admire beauty when I see it." He replied as he smiled. We sat there for about an hour and I went back home. As I walked in I saw my dad AND Claudia sitting on the couch. I stormed upstairs and shut my door. I planned on just staying in my room until she was gone. Maybe phoning Eddie seeing if tomorrow he would help me drop off those seats. I went to pull out my journal and there was a knock on my door.
"Come in." I said as I started scribbling down.
Z: "Listen. Claudia didn't know about your mom, okay? She didn't mean to be malicious."
"I don't care what she planned on doing. Don't even know why she asked. It's not her business."
Z: "She's trying to get to know you, Y/N. She was trying to be nice and it backfired."
"Yeah, it did."
Z: "Look at me."
I looked up at my dad. I didn't even want too at this point.
Z: "She means well. I love you, kid. But give her another chance."
I nodded my head to agree, but I still didn't like her. I finished my journal entry and walked downstairs.

1089 words

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