Saturday Night

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I woke up about an hour later and Gareth was still watching TV. I didn't want to overstay my welcome, so I decided to head back home. I knew my dad wouldn't be home, but I didn't want to be overbearing.

"Hey. I think i'm going to head out!" I said as I picked myself up off of Garth's shoulder.

G: "I thought you didn't like being left alone at night?"

"I don't. But I don't want you to feel like you have to come stay with me. I would stay here but I don't want my dad to worry when he comes home and i'm not there."

G: "I could just stay the night with you.. if that's okay?"

"If you wouldn't mind.. that'll be fine."

Me and Gareth drove to my house separately, in case he needed to go home at any point. I walked in and turned on the living room light. My dad was chill about guys staying the night.. but I don't think he'd like if we shared the same bed. However, I didn't want to leave Gareth's side.

"I don't know how my dad feels about me sharing a bed with a guy.. it's never happened. But he doesn't care about them staying the night."

I wanted to stay in the living room so I could be able to fall asleep and watch TV. We had a decent sized couch, so I knew if we did fall asleep, there would be enough room for us both. I laid on the couch, closest to the couch, and Gareth laid on the outside of me. We still had lots of space, so he wouldn't fall off in the middle of the night in the event we both fell asleep out here. We started watching a movie, and I could feel myself slowly drifting back to sleep. There we're already blankets and pillows set out, so we used those.


I woke up to some sound in the kitchen. I realized me and Gareth did fall asleep together on the couch. Shit. I didn't want my dad to cause a scene, in the event he was pissed.

I slowly stretched out and my dad turned around and looked at me.

Z: "Rise and shine, sweetheart. Who is this?" He whispered

"Dad.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to fall asleep out here with him. Please don't be mad."

Z: "I'm not mad, honey. I'm just curious to who this is. I'm assuming your boyfriend?"

"Yeah.. his name is Gareth."

Z: "That's a unique name. Alright, well, i'm going to finish making breakfast for us three okay?"

I nodded my head in agreement, and quietly woke up Gareth.

G: "Did you make breakfast?" He grunted as he woke up.

"No, my dad did."

Suddenly Gareth was really awake and scrambled up. My dad saw Gareth out of the corner of his eye and let out a laugh.

Z: "Well good morning, Gareth. I'm Zach, Y/N'S dad. You okay?"

G: "I'm okay! I just didn't want to upset you by sleeping with your daughter. Well not sleeping with her, but laying next to her and falling asleep." Gareth said scrambling for his words.

My dad let out another loud laugh

Z: "Kid, calm down. I'm not mad. Guess what, kid's are going to be kid's. Teenagers will find a way to do things with their significant other. Strict parents raise sneaky kids, I would know. I was one. By giving you guys freedom, I know I will be more trusted in the event either of you two need anything. You like scrambled eggs, Gareth?"

G: "I do.."

We ate breakfast and Gareth got to know my dad, and my dad got to know Gareth. My dad finished his breakfast and cleaned up and headed to bed for the day. He didn't have to work weekends, which was a relief.

Knowing my dad would be asleep for awhile, we went to the arcade. I hadn't gone yet, and I really wanted too. I didn't plan on staying out all night, that way I could spend time with my dad. We went to the arcade for a few hours before Gareth took me back home. I was excited to be able to spend time with Gareth, but I was more excited to see my dad. When I got home my dad was just waking up, it was about 5pm.

I decided I want to make dinner for us. I made spaghetti with garlic bread. I wanted to make dinner that way my dad had time to relax and didn't have to focus on anything else. While we were eating at the table my dad looked up at me.

Z: "So.. are you two being safe?"

"Dad! Come on!"

Z: "Hey, i'm just checking. I don't need any rugrats running around quite yet. I do like Gareth by the way.. he seems like a good kid."

"He is a good guy, treats me well. And to answer your question, we haven't had sex."

Z: "Well.. if you do.. there is some stuff in the bathroom."

"Dad! They're probably expired!"

Z: "I bought them before we moved.. I wasn't sure if you'd meet anyone.. I know back in the day the guys my age were animals when it came to women."

"Well.. thanks dad." I said as I twirled my noodles around. I was just in my first relationship, I couldn't imagine having sex. But.. maybe Gareth had different ideas I don't know.

Z: "Maybe you can invite your friends over tomorrow for supper. I'd love to meet them."

"I'm sure they would love to."

After we finished eating I called Eddie, Dustin, Lucas, Mike, Max and Grant. I didn't want to call Jeff. They all agreed to dinner, and then I called Gareth. Before I called him, my dad came in the kitchen.

Z: "Do you want to see if Gareth can come over tonight?"

What? My dad has never showed this much interest.

I called him and asked, which he agreed. We both chuckled considering the fact that me and Gareth have been with each other since Friday. When he came over him and my dad worked on one of my dad's cars. Me and my dad had a car collection that we didn't want to tell anyone about. I went outside to our shop in the back about half an hour after they did. I snuck in quietly and watched them bond. They must of heard me let out a little giggle and they both turned around.

"Glad to see you two getting along." I said as I walked over to my car. I had two cars I was restoring, one of them almost being done. My Plymouth Barracuda was almost finished, and I had a lot of work on my VW Microbus. I wanted to turn it into a little spot for me and my friends to go on trips together, or maybe lake days. I crawled into the back of the Microbus and took the other two seats out, and then it was completely empty. I wanted to strip most of the inside and start fresh. It really needed a paint job, but that was going to be the last step. I tweaked on the motor for a little while, and decided to start it. I haven't touched it in a few months. To my surprise it was running perfectly. Gareth and my dad both turned around when I started it. I jumped out with excitement. I finally had it running. FINALLY! I turned it off after letting it run for a few minutes. I was only keeping the front seat which seated three people. The rest was going to be converted in the back for a sleeping area.

G: "So.. you're converting this into a little camper?"

"Yeah.. I haven't made much progress clearly."

G: "Why don't we make this our project?"

I nodded my head as I gave him a hug.

1337 words

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