What was that Sound?

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I woke up and noticed Gareth wasn't laying next to me. I crawled out of the bus after putting my bra on and a different shirt. I stumbled out, and saw them using one of the small grills. They we're all shirtless, and standing there in their pajama pants. I walked over and rubbed my eyes.
"Good morning." I said as I yawned
D: "Did you guys hear screaming last night? It woke me up last night." I looked at Gareth.
Fuck. Were we really that loud.
E: "They weren't the screams you're thinking of." Eddie said as he laughed.
FUCK. I got beat red, and Gareth looked at me smiling.
G: "Yeah, I heard them too." Gareth said as he giggled.
"Fuck you all!" I said as I crossed my arms.
D: "What.. OH! GROSS!" Dustin yelled as he made a fake gagging sound.
We all laughed and sat around the table.
Eddie and Gareth made the breakfast, I guess Dustin was just supervising.
We ate and all looked at each other.
"So.. Do we want to get in the lake?" I asked the group
E: "Only if you two promise to keep your clothes on."
"Oh shut up, weirdo!"
We went back into the bus and I grabbed my swimsuit, and Gareth grabbed his swimming trunks. Then I pulled out my polaroid camera.
G: "Oh no. You're going to take pictures, too?!" Gareth said as he laughed
"Gareth, i've taken so many pictures of you guys, it's ridiculous."
G: "What?.."
"I have a scrapbook filled with polaroids of the whole friend group.. I take them when people aren't looking sometimes."
I pulled out the album from my backpack and opened it.

"This is when they stole Dustin's neighbors golf cart to go and pickup Max

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"This is when they stole Dustin's neighbors golf cart to go and pickup Max."
G: "Is Dustin the one driving it?"
"Scary.. I know."

G: "Whose that?" Gareth asked as he pointed to Johnathan

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G: "Whose that?" Gareth asked as he pointed to Johnathan.
"That's Nancy's boyfriend, Johnathan. He's kinda shy, he doesn't come around often."


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