Campaign Friday

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It was finally Friday which meant campaign day. They only had about 2 sessions left until the campaign finished which meant mine was next.

We were all sitting at the table when Eddie suggested a new campaign.

E: "So princess over there has a lot of good campaigns she made but never played." As he pointed at me.

E :"They looked really good, I think our next campaign can be one of hers. What do you say Y/N. You can bring all the ones you made and we can choose one."

J: "You want to play a campaign a girl made?" Jeff interjected.

G: "What does her being a girl have to do with it? They are solid campaigns."

J: "Oh.. So she had two guys at her house looking through her stuff huh? Seems a little desperate."

What the fuck? I barely even knew Jeff.

G: "Dude. She's new, she needed company. What is your fucking problem? Are you jealous you weren't invited so you had no female validation?"

I was too stunned to speak at that point.

J: "Whatever dude. It was just a joke."

Eddie was glaring at Jeff the entire time.

D: "I would love to look at them!" Dustin chimed in

M: "Me too!" Mike said.

Everyone else agreed, and Jeff stayed silent. I found it rather comical.

Lunch ended and I went up to Gareth thanking him for defending me. It was nice not having to go through what I went through in my home town. All my friends just pushed my feelings to the side. After school I drove home to grab my campaigns. When I was walking out of my house Mike came running over.

M: "Can I have a ride? I don't want to bike over."

"Sure, kid. I don't mind."

Mike helped me carry my campaigns to my car and we drove to Eddie's for the campaign.

We arrived at Eddie's and almost everyone was there besides Jeff.

E: "Well, princess. Looks like you are going to sub in for Jeff if you want. Well.. we kinda need you too."

"I wouldn't mind."

I was a little confused on why Jeff wasn't there but I wasn't complaining. I took the seat next to Gareth and waited for Dustin to walk in. He was the last one.

Dustin finally arrived and we started. I was having a great time, and at 8pm we decided we played enough.

M: "Y/N.. can you give me a ride back?"

"Yeah, no problem."

E: "Oh look at that. Mike has a little taxi driver."

G: "You're Dustin's taxi driver, Eddie." Gareth said as he laughed.

"Does anyone else need a ride?" I asked.

I knew probably the only ones needing one were Dustin and Lucas. Gareth had his own car, so I wasn't worried.

Of course Dustin and Lucas wanted a ride.

Before I got into my car, Gareth stopped me.

G: "Why don't you come to my house after?" Gareth said handing me a paper with his address.

"I'd love to, Gareth" I replied shooting him a small smile. I got in my car and drove Lucas home first, then Dustin and finally Mike. I left the campaign we chose at Eddie's but I wanted to take in the other ones. Mike helped me carry them and went back to his house. Karen thanked me for taking Mike to and there as I drove off. I was excited to see Gareth. Something about him made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. As I pulled in Gareth's driveway, he was standing outside waiting for me with his quirky smile.

"Hey!" I said as I got out.

Gareth brought me inside and we sat on the couch and watched TV. Gareth told me more about himself, and we talked about the Jeff situation.

G: "I think Jeff is just jealous that everyone else has a good friendship with you, and he doesn't. Rumor has it someone in Hellfire likes you."

"Oh really? Who?"

I had never been in a relationship, which they knew. I had a few meaningless kisses, but nothing important.

G: "I can't say, I told them i'd keep it a secret."

Great. My chance with Gareth was nonexistent.

"I'll bake you cookies if you tell me!" I started bribing him.

G: "As much as I love cookies, it has to be a surprise."

It was going to eat at me until I knew. I NEEDED to know. Because in all honesty if it wasn't Gareth or Eddie.. I would turn them down. Mike, Lucas and Dustin are too young for me. I knew it wasn't Grant he had a girlfriend in a different state. So that automatically ruled out Grant.. But then I realized Dustin also has a girlfriend that lived out of state, and Mike had a girlfriend named El. So that left Lucas, Gareth, Eddie and Jeff. It probably was Jeff.

I started bouncing my leg and Gareth looked over.

G: "It's eating at you, isn't it?"

"Well no shit Sherlock. I know it isn't Dustin, Mike or Grant. So that leaves Jeff, Eddie, Lucas and you."

G: "Well.. Lucas has a girlfriend sort of.. They're not currently together at the moment."

"So that leaves you 3.. And I'm pretty sure Eddie has a raging boner for Chrissy."

I was slowly voting people out one by one.

"So that leaves you and Jeff.."

G: "You're getting warmer."

Did I just ask if it's him? Or did I just stop? I didn't want to be let down.

"Well. I like someone in Hellfire too."

Gareth looked over and smiled.

G: "Who?"

"I'm not sure I should say. I don't want you telling." I said with a smirk.

G:"Do they by chance play the drums and go by Gareth the Great in D&D?"

"You're a good guesser." I said as I smiled.

Gareth looked over and leaned in and gave me a gentle kiss on my lips.

G: "Do you know who likes you now?" He said as he smiled.

Everything was falling into place. And I have never felt more at home.

G: "Considering we just had our first kiss, I should ask. Would you be my girlfriend?"

My face got bright red.

"I would love to be your girlfriend!" I replied as I gave him another kiss. Eventually I fell asleep on Gareth's shoulder while we were watching a movie.

1073 words

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