Don't Leave.

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Steve and I drove Gareth back to my house, while Gareth's parents were rushing over to the police station to decide if they wanted to press charges.
G: "This fucking sucks. I wont be able to play the drums.." Gareth said while looking at his cast.
"Babe. You will be fine. It's just for a short while, okay?" I said as I ruffled through his hair.
He ended up falling asleep on my bed. He was pretty tired, so I let him be. My dad came into my bedroom a short while later to check on Gareth.
Z: "How's he doing?" My dad asked while gesturing towards Gareth.
"He's okay. Pretty bummed he can't okay the drums for awhile." I replied with a somewhat sad face.
Z: "Well, maybe we can do something special for him?"
"Maybe, I think that'll cheer him up a bit. I just know he's tired."
My dad walked away after giving me a hug, and I looked over to Gareth. He was peacefully asleep.
I walked downstairs and saw my dad and Claudia standing in the backyard to what looked like them having an argument. I quietly propped the door open just enough so I can hear them.
C: "If it wasn't for your daughter, my son wouldn't of been in that position!"
Z: "How is it Y/N's fault? She wasn't even there!"
C: "She should've been. She's supposed to take care of him!"
Z: "That's not her responsibility, Claudia. She isn't responsible for anyone but herself."
C: "Well maybe she shouldn't be hanging around that Gareth kid. He obviously isn't a good influence!"
That was it. I drew the line there.
I flew the door open, making sure they heard. Claudia looked at me quickly and I think then realized I heard her.
C: "Honey, I didn't mean that!" She said as she backed away closer to my dad.
My dad got between us and looked back at Claudia while hugging me. He let me go, and I looked at her.
"Gareth is a great influence. And it is NOT my responsibility to watch YOUR son. He's old enough to make his own decisions. If anyone should be to blame, it's you. You let YOUR SON go out and hangout with his friends. I didn't even know Gareth was with them!" I shouted.
Claudia looked at me, and she looked upset.
C: "I'm sorry.. it was just the heat of the moment. I shouldn't of said any of those things Y/N.."
"Save your apology. Maybe i'll forgive you, and maybe I wont. But Gareth is the best thing to happen to me, and i'll be DAMNED that someone drag his name through the mud while I'm present." I said as I turned around. I walked inside and saw Gareth standing there.
G: "You know. You're kinda hot when you're angry." He said with a small smile.
"I can't stand her. I don't care if she talks bad on me.. but not you. No one will ever say hurtful things about you if i'm around."
G: "Babe, it's seriously okay. She has a reason to be upset.. Jason was actually targeting Dustin, but DON'T tell Claudia that. Dustin doesn't want her to know."
"So then.. why'd he break your hand?"
G: "Because I told him he wouldn't be able to lay a hand on Dustin.. but he could do it to me. And that's what happened."
I gave him a big hug.
"You're a hero." I whispered in his ear
G: "You're my hero, beautiful." Gareth said in response.
Maybe Gareth was right.. Claudia did have a reason to be upset.
I walked back outside where Claudia and my dad had seemed to of made up, and we're back to their happy selves.
"Mom.." I said as I peeped around the corner of the bench they were sitting on.
C: "Me..?" she said looking up at me:
"Yes, you. I'm sorry. I shouldn't of been disrespectful to you."
She got up and hugged me, and squeezed me tight. My dad stepped away for a moment and Claudia looked at me.
C: "Did you mean to call me mom?"
"Yes. I did that because you basically are my mom.. And you're a damn good one." Tears filled her waterline.
C: "I've been waiting for this day." She said in response and squeezed my hand as we sat down on the bench.
We talked about our relationship moving forward and any boundaries we needed to set. We sat there for over half an hour, and my dad came walking out with Gareth.
Z: "I'm glad you two figured everything out." My dad said as he smiled.
I moved over to the other bench and sat with Gareth. Gareth placed his 'good' hand on my thigh and we talked to them for what seemed like hours.

It's been a busy two weeks. Tonight would be a show for Corroded Coffin, but Gareth wasn't able to play. Then I realized I haven't even seen him try to play with the cast. I went into his garage and grabbed two of his drumsticks. I positioned my hand to how Gareth's would be, and started to play one song. I figured out a comfortable way to play. I turned around to go inside, and Gareth was in the doorway.
G: "Trying to replace me, huh?" He said as he laughed.
"Come here! Sit down!" I said as I dragged him over. I showed him how I was holding the stick, and let him practice. He could do it! I was so excited for him.

I helped the guys unload everything and bring it in. I made sure there was enough water for all the guys, and that all of their stuff was put together. They had about half an hour before they started, so I ran to the side of the little stage so I could be facing Gareth. Usually there was only 5 people here.. but tonight it was packed. Eddie walked over to the side of the stage.
E: "Uhm. I'm losing my mind.. why is there so many people here?!" Eddie asked with wide eyes
"Fuck if I know! Be happy!" I said.
He was right, there were a lot of people here. None that I truly recognized.
They started the show, and I sat there eyeing Gareth the whole time. They usually only played for about two hours.
The first hour was done, and they took a small intermission. Gareth walked over to the side to where I was.
G: "I'm having a great time. Thank you babe." He said as he gave me a kiss. The rest of the boys went to either go to the bathroom, or smoke. They all came back 5 minutes later, and Eddie walked up to me.
E: "You wanna play a song with us?"
"What?" I asked confused.
E: "Gareth said you were playing earlier, and that you were really good. We want you to play."

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