Chapter Seven

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I couldn’t eat sushi after all. But Tory did eat it. I told him I already had it. He didn’t believe me at all and didn't put pressure on it seeing me in another frenzied state. When I got back from Ronan’s house, I had to take another pill for my headache because it came back threefold. My head was still booming like a boom box but it was manageable. 

We both talked aimlessly about things while my heart felt heavy. And then I looked around my room and my eyes locked with Milo's blue ones. I gave a large sigh of relief. Thank god it wasn’t Ducky. Her lips turned up seeing me look relieved. 

“Oh and come by tonight.” 

“Where?” I looked back at Tory. He narrowed his eyes. 

“Were you even listening at all?” 

“I was.” I gave him the most innocent smile I could and he shook his head. 

“There is a birthday party tonight. Come by the shop and have a little cake and celebrate.” He got up and grabbed his jacket. He already showered and was in the same clothes as yesterday. He said he would change before heading to work and he was already so late. But he took a half leave in advance.

After he left, Milo sat in front of me. Her appearance was the same as before. Bright green hair, baby blue eyes, and her round face.

“You seem happy to see me.” She spoke. 

“I am happy to see you instead of Ducky.” She snorted.

“Yeah, that bitch is annoying.” 

“You talk like you have been having meetings.” 

“Sure. Both of us, along with your other emotions gather along in your head and have little meetings on how to screw you up. Ducky mostly leads those meetings.” Milo joked. Or was it a joke?

“If my life really was an animated movie.” I sighed. 

“Not an animated movie but it is a horror one.” She joked again. I chuckled. 

“You seem less angry.” 

“I am not angry today. I don’t even know why you called me.” Her words made my brows furrow.

“I called you?” 


“How can I call you?” 

“I don’t know anything about that. I am you, remember.” She mumbled.

“Then how do you know I called you?” To answer my question, she shrugged. She was of no help. I was more confused now. Her gaze dropped to the sushi on the table. 

“That looks delicious.” She said. “Why didn’t you eat it?” 

“I lost my appetite.” She looked me up and down and sighed.

“Have you looked at you? You are a bag of bones now. And shortly, you would die. Obviously. But at least die due to some heavy shit not due to starving.” 

“Starving is heavy shit.” 

“So you are starving yourself.” 

“No.” She raised a brow, calling my lie out. “Yes. But not intentionally.” I put my head on my hands and closed my eyes. My stomach wanted me to feed it sushi but I couldn’t. It felt like I would throw it up before even taking two bites.

“Do you know what the problem is with you?” Milo asked. I shook my head.

“Do you?” 

“Yes, unfortunately, I know.” She paused. “This house. This colony. These nostalgic memory holes. These are the problems. You have no problem eating a tub full of ice cream at Tory's shack. But the moment you step inside the Bellowen colony, you try to mute your mind. And that ends up muting the basic needs you need to follow like girl, it is a hot summer. Shower please.” Milo scrunched up her nose like I smelled bad. Did I? 

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