Chapter 3

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Seth and the girls were finally fast asleep, but Ace's eyes were focused on Joel.

Joel was seated in one of the corners of the room, a simple pistol in his hand. Seth may have some sort of faith in these strangers, but Ace wouldn't risk it. Joel had offered to take the first watch, but Ace had refused. The two men were both unwilling to cave, so this is how they ended up awake together.

Joel was the first to break the silence. "Why don't you take the girl to Marlene for me?"

Ace glanced at the group of people huddled around the heater. Seth had rigged it a long time ago so it could hold a solar energy charge. How he had done it? Ace had no idea. Ace had long since given up on trying to understand his husband's genius. Ace's brain just wasn't built for smart things. He could understand combat and how best to approach situations, but how a solar panel worked? Forget it.

Seth was curled around his daughter, arms wrapped protectively around her to keep her warm and safe. Ellie was laying alone, curled up in the blankets, softly snoring to herself.

"And why would we do that?" Ace remarked.

Ace had been conditioned by the years to be weary of the people he didn't know well enough. Seth and his daughter had been constants for the past decade. This guy shouldn't even be in the building, which annoyed Ace. And now he was trying to push his kid onto them? He was certainly making it hard for Ace to like him.

"It's on your way." Joel said simply. "That, and Marlene would be more than willing to do anything you asked for, as thanks."

Ace hesitated. This girl had to be more important than just a friend of Marlene's. Marlene would be grateful to have her, sure, but to give anything as thanks? No way in hell. Marlene was more smart than that. She was no fool.

Ace decided to keep that thought to himself. Instead, he spoke another thought.

"Why'd she ask you of all people to bring her if anyone could?"

"Convenience. She owed me and a friend some weapons; we bring Ellie to her, we get the weapons."

"And where is the friend?"

"Dead." Joel said flatly. "We were supposed to meet some soldiers in a building out of the safe zone, she got infected on the way, and I got stuck with the kid."

"Sorry for your loss, then." Ace said simply.

They both remained in silence for a long time. Listening to the outside sounds, avoiding speaking to each other.

"We're not taking the kid for you. You accepted the deal, you take her." Ace settled.

Joel nodded in agreement.

"That being said," Ace began, glancing at the three around the heater, "why don't you two come with us?"

"What?" Joel whispered.

"Travel with us. Strength in numbers, you don't have to bring her alone." Ace shrugged and looked over at him. "I don't trust you; not one bit, but you can't be all that bad if you're traveling with a kid."

Joel nodded. "I'll think it over."

"Was there any place you wanted to go?" Ace asked.

"Yeah," Joel admitted, "I'm going to meet up with my brother, see if he can't finish this for me."

"Why?" Ace asked. "What's the point of going this far if you're going to give up halfway through?"

Joel exhaled and ran a hand over his face. "I don't have it in me. To keep goin' like this, like she ain't dead."

Ace's face softened, he could understand that. But he frowned again, thinking about Ellie. "So you're gonna pussy out? Think about this kid, this'll hurt her; make her struggle to trust again. Think about it, it's been you two for how long? And now you're just gonna ditch her because it's convenient for your grief?"

Joel frowned at him and subconsciously reached a hand to rub over his broken watch.

The two didn't say anything else for the rest of the night.

Seth woke first, glancing at Ace and offering a half awake smile. He carefully shifted his daughter off of his arm, and brought himself up before plopping down next to Ace. Joel was fast asleep, but Ace had stayed up the entire night. Just listening.

Seth rested his head on Ace's shoulder and yawned, and Ace couldn't help but absentmindedly play with his messy bedhead. He was always like the sun before Ace could see it; warm and welcoming. It brought the ultimate comfort to him, even when Ace was his most stressed.

"You should take a nap." Seth suggested. "I'll watch."

"I'm alright." Ace assured him, "I'll sleep later."

"You sure?" Seth asked and looked up at him, tenderly lacing Ace's free hand with his own.

"Yeah," Ace assured him and kissed his forehead, "I've got something on my mind right now."

"Wanna talk about it?" Seth hummed pleasantly.

Ace was hesitant, but if there was anyone he could trust, it would always be Seth, "I offered Joel to travel with us last night. I think Ellie is good for her, so I offered without really thinking about it. She needs a friend."

Seth looked up at him and nodded thoughtfully, "That's a good idea for both of them, I think. They both probably feel a need to be like us adults. It's up to Joel, though. He may not want to."

Ace nodded thoughtfully, keeping his eyes on Joel before looking out of the window again.

"That sounds awesome!" Ellie shouted.

Not only was her opinion quite vocal, it also woke everyone in the room. Joel snorted before snapping to attention, and Seth's daughter shot up before rubbing her eyes. Both of them looked around the room fearfully before finally letting themselves relax, if even slightly.

"We should totally do that!" Ellie shouted. "That sounds fucking amazing."

"What are we doing?" Seth's daughter asked, rubbing her eyes in exhaustion. Even though she looked tired, it seemed like the fever had gone. She looked much better.

"Joel, we should travel with them! Seth is a good cook, and Ace is... Ace!"

"Thanks." Ace remarked with a tiny smile.

Joel frowned. "I don't know, Ellie. Bigger numbers, bigger risks."

"Well," Ellie scoffed and whirled to Seth's daughter, grabbing her hands, "don't you want to? It'll be all of us! We can talk during the trip and I'll tell you some of the funniest jokes you've ever heard! I've got a whole book!"

(Y/N) stared at their interlocked fingers and a delighted smile came to her face, "I like jokes."

"Then we're doing it!" Ellie cheered, "We'll be a whole team!"

Joel scowled and rubbed his face. "Ellie."

Ellie pouted, "Joel."

Joel looked incredibly displeased with where the argument was going. What was he supposed to do here? This is why he hated traveling with kids. And now he'd have to travel with two? At the same time, both of them seemed good for each other, maybe it wouldn't be too much trouble. He would have two extra adults with him if things got too rough...

Joel finally relented and said, "If they can keep up."

"Fuck yes!" Ellie cheered.

"Yay!" Seth's daughter said softly and clapped her hands together.

"Well, where are you guys headed?" Seth raised a brow.

"Joel mentioned meeting up with his brother somewhere. It's a little out of the way from the sound of it, but I'm not against it." Ace chimed in for Joel.

Joel nodded in agreement, but didn't elaborate all that much. A simple grunt seemed to be enough for him.

"Well, I suppose if Ace is for it, then so am I. He's the one that's the hardest to convince." Seth smiled. "I'll get breakfast started."

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