Chapter 7

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The snow had long since fully covered the ground. The birds had migrated to the South, depriving the group of their beautiful song. Ace was at home, watching the other two men to make sure they wouldn't die from infection or from a group passing through.

Ace had found himself relying on the girls more and more to handle the food scavenging. A part of him felt guilty for it, expecting the girls to handle such stressful work, but he also found himself too distracted while hunting. He was constantly worrying about Seth and his condition. He couldn't bring himself to think about anything else.

The girls didn't mind all that much, however. Honestly, they felt like the hard work showed how capable he really thought they were.

"Ellie, you're supposed to stay low so that the smaller creatures have a harder time seeing you." (Y/N) politely corrected.

"I know," Ellie grimaced in response and raised her bow.

The bunny hopped out of its den, shaking some of the snow off of its fur. Ellie took aim, breathed in slowly and released the arrow.

It connected with the rabbit's skull, the force knocking it onto its side. Ellie and (Y/N) approached it and carefully plucked the arrow out, adding it to their collection from the hunt. There wasn't a lot of meat this time around, but there was enough to maybe see them through the week.

If they were lucky.

"This probably isn't going to last long," Ellie whispered, "We should try and find some more."

"If we ration it —." (Y/N) started to say.

"We should find more." Ellie cut her off and hopped onto the horse. "You coming or not?"

Her friend shifted her weight on the snow and nodded reluctantly.

"Ellie," she began as they rode the horse, "You've been weird ever since we went to that mall for supplies... The ones for Joel and Dad. Is everything okay?"

"You're asking now?" (Y/N) said with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"I didn't want to ask while Papa was around. I thought it would make you more comfortable if I didn't... but then I felt bad to ask because it wasn't my business." (Y/N) admitted. "I felt if you wanted to tell me, you would. But it seems like it's still bothering you."

"So, why are you asking now?" Ellie asked with a hint of impatience.

(Y/N) shifted again behind Ellie. "I'm worried about you."

That shook Ellie wholly for a second. She wasn't completely used to people being concerned for her yet, much less someone so kind. (Y/N) had been nothing but patient and considerate towards Ellie, and Ellie responded with annoyance and frustration often lately.

She realized she was being unfair towards her and sighed.

Ellie was quiet for a while longer before she finally spoke, "My friend — Riley... She and I got bit while we were playing around in a mall together. We decided that we would die together there... Because it was 'poetic' as she put it. But she got infected and turned, and I didn't. I had to kill her there... in that mall. I guess, while we were so desperate for supplies, I couldn't help but think of her. It made me... depressed, you know?"

Ellie had long since revealed to (Y/N) that she was immune, and she hadn't expected her to keep the secret from her parents like Ellie requested. She hadn't said a word, because Ellie had asked her not to. It was as simple as that for her.

"I didn't know about all of that, Ellie. I'm so sorry for your loss. She must have meant a lot to you."

"I was in love with her." Ellie said suddenly. "She was cool and proud and always kind. She was bold and didn't hesitate to make the first move. I kinda envied her for it."

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