Chapter 11

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Ellie and (Y/N) were curled up on the floor together the next morning. Too tired to properly fight, and too hungry to properly disobey. The perfect pets for a man like David.

"Wakey, wakey." A man's voice alerted them and reached for Ellie.

With a tight yank, Ellie was pulled away from (Y/N) and forced up to her feet. A meager grunt of protest was her only real initial response. When she realized what was happening, she went into full panic mode.

"Let go!" Ellie shrieked.

"Ellie!" (Y/N) cried and attempted to grab at the man.

The two girls fought against him, but he forcefully shoved (Y/N) and she fell back after hitting the wall. He raised Ellie high up in the air, and then slammed her onto the same table they had cut a man apart on the day before. Ellie screamed out and struggled to fight and (Y/N) started to pull herself up, she was clenching her head now, making it obvious that she had been hurt. Ellie herself was winded, from screaming and from being slammed against the table. As she wildly fought against the man, doing everything in her power to prevent him from strapping her down, she saw David step into the room.

His hands were clasped together in front of himself, and he had this smile that said this was going exactly how he wanted it to.

Fuck. That. Ellie thought.

The man had managed to strap one of her arms down, and as he reached over her to tie her other arm down, she screamed out and bit his forearm as hard as she could. The man cried out in pain and raised a fist, popping Ellie squarely in the jaw. David took the opportunity to grab (Y/N). He held her back as she tried to make herself dead weight so his grip would slack.

"Ellie!" (Y/N) cried again and did her best to squirm in David's arms. "Please, let me go!"

David didn't respond to her pleas, but she didn't give up. Ellie cried out and the man gave up on attempting to strap her down. Instead, he quickly moved to pick up a machete to get to work on Ellie. Ellie's eyes darted around, trying to find a way out.

"She's infected!" (Y/N) screamed out in desperate terror. "Her meat will get you all sick! She's got a bite mark on her forearm — you can check!"

The two men hesitated and shared a look.

"Really?" David spoke first and looked down at (Y/N). "Be a good girl and be honest now."

"If you don't believe her, you can roll up my sleeve!" Ellie screamed out, "Look. Look at it!"

David smiled, "You know what? I'll play along. Who doesn't like games in this day and age."

He nodded to the man, who reluctantly stabbed his machete into the table. With a reluctant sigh, he then rolled up Ellie's available sleeve so the two men could look. They stared at the bite covered in boils, and then shared a look with one another. (Y/N) smiled without really meaning to; it was a smug look, a look of pride that lacked any humor.

"What'd you say?" Ellie asked with a tiny smirk, "Everything happens for a reason, right?"

Immediately, (Y/N) went into action. She kicked David hard in the crotch, hard enough that the man fell face first into the ground, momentarily winded. The other man reached quickly for the machete, but (Y/N) jumped onto the table and scrambled over Ellie. When the man's hand reached around the grip, (Y/N) dove and bit the man's arm again. He howled and his grip slipped enough for (Y/N) to grab the machete and she quickly rolled off of the table. He looked down at her while clutching his bleeding fingers, but she was faster. (Y/N) slammed the machete into his leg, and when the man's body fell over, she rammed the machete into the side of his neck. The man gurgled on his own blood while he clutched the wound before he went still.

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