Chapter 13

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"Girls, stay right here!" Seth yelled and jumped onto the bus. "I'm going to get them out of here and then we'll go, okay?"

"Let us help you!" Ellie shouted and moved towards the bus.

(Y/N) quickly took Ellie's wrist and pulled her back. Seth offered his daughter a thankful nod and then turned his focus on to the bus. He stomped the door and swore, struggling against the water and metal while the girls nervously watched.

Then everything went wrong.

Seth wobbled, and the bus suddenly jerked away from them. Ellie screamed and moved towards the bus again, but stopped when she realized she couldn't make the jump. Seth looked frenzied as he attempted to open the door quicker.

The girls stared at the bus as it got smaller and smaller in the distance.

"What the fuck do we do?" Ellie screamed.

She started to pace on the top of the semi truck they were on, the girls were alone.

(Y/N) stared at Ellie and then the direction the bus went. "I... I don't know! But I do know we need to keep going this way!"

"What? We're just gonna leave them?" Ellie shouted in disbelief.

"The hospital is this way!" (Y/N) began, "And the bus was headed that way, too! We'll be able to catch up!"

"Or we could drown and die!"

(Y/N) hesitated and bit her bottom lip. After a second, she swallowed and focused her gaze entirely on Ellie.

"Either we go together, or I go alone, Ellie. I need to make sure they're okay. I can't just sit and wait."

Ellie hesitated and stared at the water. She was afraid. They could follow the rest of the path, but Seth, Ace, and Joel weren't there to catch them if they fell. It was risky for two little girls to do.

"Do you trust me, Ellie? I'll lead the way." (Y/N) was speaking softly now, just loud enough for Ellie to make out.

Ellie had never seen her so determined on something. She was always so soft-spoken and kind. Now, she had taken Ellie's place and was speaking with absolute intent.

Ellie swallowed.

"You and me?" Ellie decided.

(Y/N) smiled at her in relief, "You and me."

The two girls moved along the jungle of car roofs and carefully laid ventilation shafts. Anyone with common sense could tell that this was laid out with intent, made for Fireflies to safely walk across.

The metal was ragged and worn in some areas, and you could tell that the water rushing against it had started some erosion. They only needed it to hold for them right now, so they just bated their breath and silently hoped.

They didn't talk much, and they kept their gaze focused on the terrain ahead of them. There were a few moments when Ellie thought they wouldn't make it, that the jump would be too far. Yet, they always made it across, only occasionally needing some help from one another.

When they came to the end of the terrain, they stopped and tried to figure out what exactly they needed to do. They couldn't tell how deep the water was, and they could only barely see what must have been where Fireflies would wait.

"I'll jump down." (Y/N) settled, "If it's too deep, I'll go to shore and get someone to come down and get you."

"You're gonna leave me alone?" Ellie whispered fearfully.

"Only if I absolutely have to." (Y/N) said firmly, "Don't worry, I'd come back."

Ellie began tugging at the sleeves on her shirt. "You'll come back?"

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