Chapter 34

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By the time they had cleared out the area of seraphites, the two girls were exhausted and just ready for the day to be done. Ellie grunted and rolled her shoulder before her girlfriend moved to patch it up in the silence. They had taken shelter in a small bathroom as she patched her up.

They traveled through the main streets slowly in an attempt to watch for possible threats. They were relieved to see a sign that pointed to the direction of the hospital. That just meant they were closer than before. They walked further down the streets and found the corpse of a woman resting against a car.

The road was eventually blocked to the point that the girls couldn't go any further. Ellie looked at the nearest building and tried the door. With a bit of force, the two girls managed to slip inside. The object blocking the door slammed against it again and the clang it made was alarming. The two girls stood right where they were, waiting for something to happen. And when nothing did, they finally let themselves move up the steps in front of them.

They didn't find much to offer in the building, it seemed to be stripped clean besides some scraps. Ellie was excited to find another card, though. She was getting close to filling her collection.

They found a way out through one of the windows and onto the fire escape. Ellie went up first and found a letter from a guy named Simon. He was the one looking for Paige. He'd died here, unable to get to her because of some seraphites. Ellie snatched up the medication and some other supplies without hesitation.

Ellie and her girlfriend moved back down and climbed a ladder down to the alley. The good news was that they were on the other side. The bad news was the only way to the next section was through a tiny gap between some walls.

They managed to slip through and the two girls skittered on the mud beneath them, unable to get a grip. The sound of a soldier begging for his life snapped the two girls into attention. The girls remained in the tall grass watching the event transpire.

"Please– I didn't want any of this! Isaac is planning something... I'll tell you everything, just... please, please let me go home."

Instead, the seraphites hovered over the soldier and whispered a prayer together. Ellie bit her bottom lip as the soldier sobbed and swore, desperate to be free. Instead, they strung him up from a tree and cut out his insides. The girls were a little nervous after seeing all that.

"Did you hear what Lily did?" One of the seraphites whispered.

"I did. Shameful... but not all that surprising."

"What her sister did, though... I was quite shocked. Their poor mother."

"She should have sensed something was off, though."

The two girls worked together to kill the seraphites in front of them. Even though it was a stealth kill, they heard a series of whistles from somewhere in the distance. The whistling continued, and Ellie used her bow to take down one of the seraphites walking towards them.

There were honestly so many of them, the girls weren't sure how they would handle all of them. They always managed to surprise themselves in situations like this however, they had cleared them all out and hurried to get out of the zone. They didn't want to fuck around with the seraphites any longer. The WLF were monsters but these seraphites were something else.

"So much for a jog in the forest." Her girlfriend whispered and nudged Ellie.

"I really shouldn't make the calls on where we go. I'm starting to think I'm criminally unlucky."

"Many fallen Wolves today." They heard a seraphite speak up.

"Amen, but... their numbers worry me. They are gathering."

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