Author's Note

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So... as some of the more veteran readers of this book would have known, I entered the Watty's. Unfortunately, I didn't hit the short list.

I don't know why but I felt the need to say that lol... Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that read this so often, and for all the fun comments I received. I put a lot of my heart and self into this book, so every single one of you who read mean more to me than you will ever even know.

One of the readers mentioned off hand about wanting to read more about Seth and Ace's relationship before the events of this novel (SPECIFICALLY AYLA_VIOLET!! I DIDN'T FORGET. I loved every comement from you, so I couldnt forget to credit you here!). And I've been thinking about it in earnest. I'll probably write something about it, because I fell in love with their characters as well! Stay tuned. If I do, I'll make another update letting you all know.

Again, thank you all so much for reading this silly fanfiction I made. I know that some if it probably read weird, and it was far from perfect. But I can't express how grateful I was for every single read. I didn't even expect to hit 10 readers, much less 4k. I look forward to seeing you all in the next one I make.

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