Chapter 31

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By the time they had gotten even remotely close to where they needed to be, the corpses of WLF soldiers had begun to pile up. If there had been a more peaceful way to handle it, the girls would have preferred it, but their options were limited.

They were finally stopped by a gate, with no way to climb up or go around. Their only choices were to break it down or to get the generator up and running. Instead, they had cleared out the area and moved up towards the second floor. They used the window on the second floor to jump over, happy to find an ultimatum.

The two girls landed outside and looked around carefully, trying to ensure that they were safe where they were. The next step would be to get out of this section, which was luckily much easier to understand. Ellie pressed her back against a metal building and put her hands into a cat's cradle. The two girls shared a look and Ellie's girlfriend immediately climbed up and on top of the building. She did a quick scan of the area and then knelt to offer Ellie her hands.

When Ellie got on top, the two girls let themselves really take the environment in. Times like these were the best ones to really give everything a look over. This was one of the best ways to survey the area and get a feel for where they needed to go.

Ellie pointed dead ahead and nodded, "Right there. That's the station on the map."

Her girlfriend nodded and smiled, "Looks like it. So we keep heading straight ahead and we've got this one in the bag."

"In the bag." Ellie echoed with a tiny smile.

The two girls jumped down and started on their path, and Ellie didn't hesitate to offer some sappy words.

"I don't know how I would have done this without you." She whispered and shook her head.

"Oh, Ellie... I would have never let you go alone, no matter what. So you don't even have to worry about something like that. We're a team, Ellie. You and me."

"You and me." Ellie echoed with a firm nod.

Ellie smiled at her and offered her hand, her girlfriend eagerly took hold of it and smiled back. Their moment of happiness was immediately ruined by a clicker running at them full steam ahead. The girls reached for their guns, but they stopped as soon as the clicker ran itself into a trap and exploded.

"What the fuck was that?" Ellie's girlfriend yelled. She rarely swore, so it made the message quite clear. She was holding her hands to her ears to cope with the loud noise.

"It ran into an explosive trap. Watch for wires, there's probably more of them." Ellie said, suddenly on guard.

"Oh my god, my ears are ringing." Ellie's partner groaned.

They tread along as carefully as they could, surprised to see some infected on the other side of an explosive trap. Ellie raised a brick and threw it in front of the trap. The infected immediately shrieked and ran towards the two of them. The trap killed them almost immediately.

They moved to where the infected came from and stared down the slope. It didn't take a genius to tell that this was the only way forward. Ellie took a few steps, but the ground was too wet and she lost her footing. Her girlfriend quietly followed behind. She moved slowly down the slope, trying to avoid a spill like Ellie had, but she lost her footing about halfway and fell on her butt.

Ellie snorted and pointed at her from the bottom, "Nice job."

"As if you did any better! Ms. Slip-and-slide!" Her girlfriend protested and frowned, she was trying very hard to look insulted, but the playful smile on her face gave her away.

They hurried along together and chose to move through the darker and much more covered area. If there was someone watching this location, they would have a hard time getting a good shot.

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