Chapter 41

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When they arrived at Jackson, they hadn't expected such a warm welcome. They had expected people to be furious, outraged even. But everyone just seemed to be relieved that the squad had all come back in one piece. Maria kissed Tommy and earned some very loud whistles as the two sobbed and shared apologetic whispers.

Jesse's parents had squeezed both Dina and Jesse. Nearly taking the life out of the two of them. Dina was brought to their home, eager to tell them the news. Although, her stomach was getting harder to ignore now.

Seth and Ace stared at Ellie and her girlfriend. Seth was a blubbering mess, he squeezed the girls tight, as if afraid they would fly away from them. Ace was trying hard to look tough, but the way his voice cracked when he welcomed them back made it clear. He sniffled into his hand and pulled all of them into a hug.

The biggest shock had been when they took both girls back to the hospital. They found Joel, standing on one of Ellie's girlfriend's prototype legs. He stared at the girls wide-eyed. He was using metal bars to stand on his own, and he was just barely doing that.

Seth had expected the two girls to be happy to see him alive, but the both of them turned white as a sheet.

"Joel...?" Ellie whispered and allowed herself to take a step deeper into the room. She seemed to be fighting the denial of it, that Joel was alive.

Her girlfriend tailed her, suspicious of this situation. Almost in denial that it was real, but still trying to accept it at the same time.

"Hey... kiddo." Joel began, "I heard you two went on a bit of a, er, trip. I'm glad you're alright."

Ellie shook her head and rushed him, she tackled him into a hug while sobbing her eyes out. Joel sat on the floor, his hand on her head and the other on the floor. He was smiling as he held her.

Ellie's girlfriend did not look nearly as happy. She stared at Joel and then her legs gave out. Seth grabbed hold of her and she started to shake. She gripped her head tightly and sobbed loudly.

At first, they thought it was because she was happy. And then she spoke.

"It would have been better if you had just died, Joel. Then all of this– all of it... It would have been for something."

Everyone stared at her, a shared look of horror on their faces.

"I killed people. With my bare hands. Because I thought... oh my god." She whispered huskily and covered her mouth, "What have I...?"

Seth glanced down at her and Ace stood to his full height.

"We'll let you two hang out, okay? Don't take what she said to heart, Joel. We all know she didn't mean it."

The two men helped her out of the room, and Ellie and Joel sat there together for a while. Ellie was still sniffling and sputtering, and Joel was staring at the door with a guilty look.

"How did you...?" Ellie began.

Joel sighed and smiled, "That girlfriend of yours is a damn fine medic. Apparently, she treated my wounds just in time. My body went into a comatose state because of the shock. Seth said it was pretty dicey for a few weeks, but I guess I'm a bit too stubborn to die just yet."

Ellie swallowed and looked up at him like the scared little kid that she used to be, "I'm so glad you're okay. How's the leg feel?"

They spent the next five hours on that floor playing catch up. It was like Ellie had never left.

Ellie's girlfriend was not doing nearly as well.

She was seated in her parent's living room. A cup of hot cocoa in her hands and a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Ace and Seth had never seen her look so empty. There was a scar on her cheek and across her nose now, and they could see more on her arms.

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