Chapter 38

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"If we're lucky, it'll be just a small crew." Jesse said.

"If not, we'll make them regret ever stepping foot here."

"Deal." Jesse smiled lazily.

They had to climb down quite a ways together, and at the bottom they couldn't help but stare. The place was absolutely wrecked, Ellie couldn't even make out what this building was initially supposed to be.

"This place is fucked." Ellie said and kicked a piece of rubble.

"You don't say," Jesse remarked and kicked something over as well, "I wouldn't have guessed."

Ellie couldn't help but wonder how this place had turned out like this. Had a bomb hit this place directly, or had it been degraded to this point?

Probably the bomb.

They moved further into the building and remarked on the layout. They worked together to lift a collapsed pipe and moved deeper in. Jesse led the way as they dropped into the waves.

When their heads popped up, the two of them could hear the sound of soldiers bickering over the boat.

"Do you need a hand?"

"Nah, I got it. This engine's being finicky, that's all."

They watched as the two soldiers hovered over the boat. Ellie and Jesse were looking for their chance to get the slip on these guys and steal their boat. They had started to move in just as the walkie-talkie on the girl's side blared;

Sniper spotted in 12. I repeat, lone sniper spotted at the marina. Likely a trespasser. Any nearby units report. Over.

"Shit...," one of them started, "Alright, you four, take the land bridge to the marina. The rest of you, we'll hold here and wait for orders."

Ellie was suddenly glad they hadn't made a jump for it. There were more than she had originally thought.

"What the fuck?" One of the female soldiers said in protest. "We're supposed to wait here while the others are getting sniped?"

"We have our orders. They'll have more than enough people to take care of one sniper."

Jesse and Ellie shared a knowing look. If it was Tommy, they couldn't hope to have enough men in the entirety of Seattle.

Jesse started to climb up a rope that hung over the water they were in. It was most likely there for people like them, but of course, intended for the WLF. People who had taken the swim route to the building. Ellie was willing to take every advantage she could, though.

They clambered up the rope, albeit a little clumsily. Ellie pulled herself up and over as Jesse watched for possible enemies. They both searched the immediate area before they heard an engine attempting to revv.

They both whirled and peaked over the edge. They could easily see a man pulling on the cord of a small boat engine. He seemed angry with the intensity he was pulling it.

"Son of a bitch." His voice echoed in the chamber.

"Actually, Ellie," Jesse started, his voice barely a whisper, "We can cross the marina this way. It may even be faster to go this way."

Ellie pointed back to the boat and frowned, "But the boat's right there."

"They're talking about Tommy. We both know it, and this will lead us right to him. We both agreed we'd turn right back around."

"And what if he's gone by the time we get there? He could have interrogated someone. He may be on his way to Abby as we speak."

"And if he's in trouble at the marina? We should go to make sure, Ellie."

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