Chapter 33

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None of them could bring themselves to speak when they first relaxed in the theater. Ellie's girlfriend silently patched everyone up, starting with Jesse and moving her way down.

When Ellie was patched up, she leaned against the couch and scowled at Dina and Jesse, "What the fuck were you two thinking? You could have died!"

"Well, so could you." Dina said with a frown.

Jesse squeezed Dina's hand and locked eyes with Ellie, "My friend's problems are my problems. I couldn't just sit back and wait for you to come back. Dina insisted on coming."

"Did you know she was pregnant when you were leaving?" Ellie's girlfriend asked loudly.

Ellie stared at Dina in horror, "You're pregnant? Dina! What the fuck are you doing?"

Dina pouted at Ellie's girlfriend, "Way to rat me out, doc."

"I didn't know, and neither did Dina. It just kind of... happened." Jesse said, "I tried to convince her to turn around– for both of us to turn around. But she wouldn't have it, she threatened to ditch me while I slept."

"I did, so you can blame me." Dina said.

"I will." Ellie's girlfriend said without hesitation.

The next thirty minutes was spent listening to Ellie's girlfriend rip Dina a new one. Telling her how irresponsible and careless she had been. How she was running the risk of not only killing one, but two lives. It was fine if she didn't want the child, but there were much safer ways to get rid of one. How Dina should have thought about something like this when she slept with Jesse. How she should have thought of the possible risks of conception.

Dina rubbed the back of her neck shyly and smiled, "I think I feel appropriately bad now, doc."

"Good!" Ellie's girlfriend shouted, "What in the fresh hell were you thinking, Dina?"

Jesse smiled.

"And you," she barked and pointed at Jesse, "Aren't you supposed to be a leader? You should have dragged her back kicking and screaming! You hear me?"

Jesse's smile immediately disappeared and he bowed his head, "Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry, ma'am."

Ellie stared at her girlfriend with a newfound awe. It was practically impossible to wipe a smile off of Dina's face, and even more tough to get Jesse to properly apologize. She had done it all in one quick sweep.

Ellie was reminded that her girlfriend wasn't one to fuck with.

"Now, unfortunately I don't have the proper equipment to check for a miscarrage. How long have you been pregnant?"

"At least a month." Dina admitted, "Is that bad?"

"Most likely the baby is alive, then. There's no bleeding from the area, and you seem as healthy as you were before. From now on, we're going to ensure that you eat three meals a day and drink water regularly. The first trimester is one of the hardest stages. You'll need to be constantly rested and hydrated."

"But–!" Dina started to protest.

"Ah, bahp!" Ellie's girlfriend shouted, "I will not hear it. We're going to keep you here in the station, and, when you feel well enough. We'll have you listen to the WLF radio frequency and you'll keep track of where people are located."

They all stared at her.

"It's the best idea I can think of without just sending you two back," she said firmly, "Those are your options."

Again, Ellie found herself in awe at her girlfriend's abilities. She had found something to keep Dina relevant and included without needing to be in the frontlines.

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