(NOT YET EDITED) Chapter 18 (Part 2 START)

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The last two years for Ellie had been something like a dream. She had made a bunch of new friends and had found some sort of home for herself.

Ellie and Joel lived together in a small little farm house. Seth, Ace, and Ellie's best friend had a house not far down the road from them.

Today was a special day for Ellie, more special than any other day had been in a while. It was Ellie's sixteenth birthday. Joel had told her that a girl's sixteenth birthday used to be their most important day. Before the outbreak, of course. She had to admit she was a little excited.

Joel said he had a very special day planned out for both of the girls. But it was more for Ellie than anything, and both girls knew it.

They all met at the horse stables. Seth and Ace had even taken the day off. It was hard for Seth to find time off, so it meant a lot to Ellie that he had tried for her. He had started as the town's doctor almost as soon as he came in. The town hadn't had a doctor before him. They took some time to settle, but he was making medicine and treating injury and illnesses for the townsfolk like he had been there since the beginning.

Ace helped check the trails alongside Joel and Tommy, and Ellie would officially start next year. She had to admit she was pretty excited.

Ace grinned at her and ruffled her hair, "Happy birthday, you little snot."

Ellie laughed and tried to straighten out her hair, "Thanks."

Ace had changed a bit in the past two years too. He seemed more at ease than he used to be. Smiles came easier for him, and he didn't seem so stressed all the time. Ellie had never seen his shoulders slouch before Jackson, and somehow it was comforting to see.

"Well, we better get going, the birthday girl's got a bit of a ride." Seth chirped and gestured to the horses.

When they got to a wooded area, Joel had her get off of her horse and insisted on tying it to the tree for her.

"The birthday girl ain't supposed to lift a finger, Ellie."

Joel, Seth, and Ace started ahead first. They always lead the way now. Before, Seth and Ace used to stick to the back to make sure the girls were safe, but now it was as if they knew the girls had it together.

They wouldn't need any help unless they asked for it.

Joel pushed some brush out of the way, and gestured to a log, "Why don't you two take a seat here? We'll check ahead and make sure it's safe."

Ellie had brought her guitar as per Joel's request. He had insisted she bring it to practice. He told her it was going to be a long trip, so it was better to have something to do while they waited.

The two girls sat together, listening to the leaves rustle and watching the grass wave in the slow wind.

"Ellie, don't you want to practice? We've got time," Her friend smiled at her, "It's the perfect weather too, it'll sound amazing."

The more Ellie looked at her, the more Ellie realized how much of a beautiful person her friend had become. Her smile was kind and earnest and her eyes were always so bright and attentive, ready to listen and offer a shoulder. She had gotten taller; just like Ellie. And, unlike Ellie, she had become more... developed. Her friend had always been pretty to Ellie, but somehow she seemed to get more and more pretty with the years.

Her friend was currently training under her father, Seth, to become the town's next doctor. She knew how to make a crap ton of medicine, and she was also working on making prosthetics and proper crutches for the disabled townspeople. She was crazy resourceful, just like her dad. And her kindness never seemed to let up.

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