Chapter four - yet to win the war

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A/N- There will be blood mentions and descriptions of wounds. Please keep in mind that these will not be 100% accurate descriptions of the wounds as I am not a nurse nor have any medical experience.

Jimmy and Shelby sneak out of the mushroom house, the Army had enters the Cod Empire. Shelby and Jimmy had to dig under ground. Shelby covered the hole up and Jimmy placed touches as they went on.

Digging causes a lot of sound. So it wasn't a surprise when they where found out. Shelby brought out her sword, holding it in a defensive position. Jimmy continued to dig, but stopped placing torches. Shelby walked back as Jimmy digged. The tunnel began to light up as Jimmy digged. They must be near the end!

As Jimmy removed the last block, the two saw that it was not the end, but Joey had dug a whole down and was letting the army into the tunnel. "Fuck!" Jimmy called out throwing his Shovle down and pulling our his sword. None of the villagers tried to attack, they just swarmed the two.
"What are they doing?" Jimmy asked
"They're swarming us" Shelby replies hitting one back. They clearly did not like that, and the villagers began to attack. "Never mind that then" Shelby yells killing villagers.
"I'm sorry" she says as she collects heads.
Jimmy also begins to swing at the villagers.


immy received a strick to his shoulder, blood oozed out as he moved and Shelby had many cuts across her body, most notibel the one on her left cheek, it was deep. Despite that, the two fought on, blood began to stain the walls of the tunnel and the aura of death filled the area's near the fighting.

Shelby threw her sword into a villager causing it to fall back knocking other over. Shelby removed the sword and began to penitrate the fallen. "I'm sorry" she cried. Shelby ran over to Jimmy and began to help him fight of the villagers.

In the end, Jimmy and Shelby won the battle. But they had yet to win the war. Shelby fell to her knees as the body's of the last few villagers disappeared into the ground. "Them poor people. They didn't want this..." shelby murmured. Jimmy slouched down to Shelbys hight. "Come on... we have no time, but their lives will not be in vein. We will avenge them and thoughs who are yet to come" Jimmy said helping Shubble up. The two began to run the way they came from, they could no longer go the way they wanted. Unbeknownst to them, that's exactly what Xoronth was expecting. Before they could reach the end of the tunnel, vines of corruption surrounded them. Shelby noticed first and so, she pushed Jimmy away as the two where separated.

"SHELBY!" I call. She did not reply. Maybe i should try to break the 'wall'. I swing my pic-axe into it. It didn't work, the corruption is thicker than before. "SHELBY!!" I yell, punching the wall. I hear a faint words of Shelby, she yelled for me to run. To run far. It could be her last wish. So I begin to run, I run out the tunnel above ground then I start to fly of. I see Scott's owl not to far ahead. I look back behind me. A huge tendril formed in the center of the Cod Empire. I feel tear flood my eyes, my home, my life, my family... its all gone. What about Lizzie? Will she be safe? Lizzie is strong, she can defend her self. Stay safe big sis...

I've travled for about, two maybe three hours. I've past 7 bioms and two oceans. I see the bird start to swoop down near an ice biom. If scott went anywhere, it would be an ice biom. Holy shit- Scott's made a whole ass ice tower in the time he's been here. I land just outside a small wooden house. I go to look down on my communicator. No signal. Atleast, no one could of followed me. I walk over to the ice tower. I knock on the door.

Jimmy's knocks scared scott. He sat up from his make shift sofa and walked over to the door. He opened it and saw Jimmy, standing there with a warm smile on his face. Scott immediately slammed the door. "JIMMY?! W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Scott calls out.
"There's alot to explain, can I come inside...?" Jimmy asks holding the handle to the door.
A silence fills the air. Scott opens the door. Jimmy walks in. "So, long time no see huh?" Jimmy says walking in. "Y-yeah..." scott replies trying to not make eye contact "so, why are you here...?"
"Hah- you know how Xoronth is free. Yeah, I was the one who freed him. ON ACCIDENT I SWEAR!" Jimmy blurts out
"Oh. I umm, I heard." Scott says "that doesn't really explain..." Scott's face changes from a look of confusion to one of pure horror.
"He's taking over the empires..." Jimmy says, pulling out his communicator. "Look here." Jimmy pulls up a map of all the kingdoms.

(The map)

"Pixl coded it so if any kingdoms where invaded or taken over there colours would change." Jimmy mutters. Scott sits in disbelief. "There's no way only 4 kingdoms are still standing, I knew about Rivendale... but this?" Scott says.
"If he claims Lizzies empire were fucked. Its already bad that Xoronth has control of Sausages 'spies' if he has the Ocean Empire, he'll own every body of water in a 200,000,000 block radius" Jimmy says looking over to Scott "he has also been taking the others capture when he claims their land. Well, except Joey." Scott rolls his eyes in a comedic way "of course Joey would be on my broth- THE DEMONS side" Scott yells trying to save his mistake.
"Brother?" Jimmy asks.

Well, shit. I just told Jimmy that Xoronth is my brother. Sibling? God Xoronth confuses me.

(A/N so, as of writing this chapter, I found out from Shelbys video that Xoronth does not have pronouns. So from now on, instead of using he/him for Xoronth I will only refer to Xoronth by The Demons's name or simply as 'the demon' as demonstrated)

"Yes, Xoronth is my brother." I respond, sighing.
"So that's why people believe Fwhip" Jimmy murmmers


"I mean, at least no one will come looking for me. Other than you." I reply. Jimmy did not like my joke I made. "I'm bringing you back. I dont know how many people are left to help me fight back Scott. So please..." Jimmy says looking to the ground. "F-fine. When this is over I'm coming back here though." I respond looking away. "THANK YOU!!" Jimmy cries throwing himself onto me in a hug. I felt my face heat up and I hug him back. "Okay, now umm, I need armour. And weapons." I chuckled.

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