Chapter thirteen - May Aeor let us rest

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A/N - I wanna try something new with my writing. So in a fan fic written by FlowerWonderling they separated their Characters and timings within a chapter using emoji. So imma just try it out to see if I like it or not =].
(Key for the thing 🐟 - Jimmy ❄️ - Scott)
"Heya Jim, take this to Scott" Pearl says throwing me a Sun flower "he'll know what to do"
I nod in response. Turning away from the battle, the clinking of Pearl's sword against the corruption bounced of the nether walls. But all I do is run. Run towards Scott. As I draw closer I see him drop a bag onto the floor. I stopped infront of him. "S...Scott" I say in-between pants. "Pearl wants you to have this" I say handing him the flower. He nods in response taking the flower from my hands. I smile at him. "Jim, do you have any spare slime?" He asks me.
"Ummm.... I have this." I say, taking some of the slime off my shoulder.
"That will do" Scott mumbles placing the slime into a jar "Stay back here, me and Pearl can handle the rest." Before I have time to respond, he's gone. Well, not gone gone. Just ran over to Pearl and Xornoth. For someone so cold how can he be so fucking hot... I look around. I feel useless standing here. Ugh...

I run over to Pearl and my sibling. Unsurprisingly, Pearl can hold Xornoth off quite well. Whilst their distracted with fighing Pearl I set up the spell, it's simple. Connect all 6 of the items in a star like form around the victim (in our case Xornoth) then cast the spell. Due to the simplicity, it was quite easy and quick to set up. Skidding over to Pearl I begin the spell.
"Darkened er, lost a' corruption"
I look over at my sibling, their hands bashing against the shield that keeps them trapped
"Er en' a' hae- a' save,"
I look over at Pearl, her sword still in hand.
"Lotesse i' tinechor en' me'a keep lle ie' luth,"
I hear the quiet murmur of my sibling. A curse...?
"Vee' lle quenat querna a' i' crystal manke lle shall coia n'e lle meetima days till death"
I point my staff at the Demon. A smirk drawn across their face as light flashes, blinding us all.

(The spell in english for thoughs who are wondering - Darkend one lost to corruption, one to far to save may the shield of light keep you at bay, as your body turns to the crystal where you shall live till your final days of death)

A red beam heads straight towards me as a bright light forms around Pearl and Scott. I go to move put of it path, but, the beam seems to follow, I brase myself and close my eyes as i fell the beam hitting me directly in the chest. I fall to the ground and cough.

As I reopen my eyes I'm back in Rivendale, the cold winds blowing against my back. I look around me. Tendrils of corruption are spread around only growing more so the more I look. I begin to follow them to their source. As I do I see Xoronth standing above Scott. Scott is in a red dome. I stop myself as I see it. Scott rose a sword of some kind and plunged it into his chest. I hear Xornoth call something out. I don't know what. No, I don't care what. All I do is run over to Scott. His body layed limp on the rocks of his home. Blood poured from his chest. I fall to my knees as I pull him close. Lizzie came running behind me. I hear her gasp but I don't bother to look back. "J...Jimmy...?" I hear Scott mutter. I begin to drown out all other sounds and look at his face, "Jim..." he says coughing blood as he spoke.
"D-dont talk!" I yell at him. He raises his hand to my face. "Please, take care of yourself..." he says giving ne a warm smile.
"Y-your going to be okay!" I call out. Silence rushes over the both of us. He takes the finger with a ring on it. He smiles as he closes his eyes. "S-scott?! SCOTT THIS ISN'T FUNNY!" I yell gripping his hand. Floods of Tears pour out of my eyes. I pull his head into my chest. The man who was once emperors of the land I sat in. No he was more then that, he was a friend... Someone who I wish could have maybe been more than a friend. Was now gone. Strippen away from me... forever.

This chapter is on the shorter side only being 797 words long. It's more of a filler chapter slowly easing in what's to come of this fan fic. I also hope you enjoyed my attempt at writing a meaningful death. I haven't actually written a major character death before so. Ah! Hope yall have a good day or night!! Bye till the next chapter!!!!
(This added a total of 70 words)

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