chapter nine - The battle Battle of Twins

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A/N- you guessed it. Still Scott's pov.
The day drew in faster then I'd expect. Kathrine made sure we wore the armour properly. Surprisingly, it was harder to put on then it looked. The neitheright underlayer was tight yet easy to move in. The armour was in multiple pieces. Helmet, gold Helmet overlay, chest piece, gold chest piece overlay, forearm piece, elbow piece, lower arm piece, stomach to thigh piece, stomach to thigh overlay. You get the idea. These look to nice to go to war in. "Scott, I believe these are yours" shelly says holding the golden stag antlers. "How do you have these?!" I ask.
"Long story short, took them when your sibling was first freed and had them in a ender chest ever since. "All right, let's get this show on the road" Katherine calls out. Our group heads to the surface. Guards from, Mythland, the Guilded Hathila and The Overgrown lined the near entrance to the portal. Katherine walks us over to a stage like place. "All right. Today is the day everyone." She begins "just pretend this is the vr training Pearl got you to do." A villager walks over to Katherine with a flint and steel. Katherine takes it and lights the nether portal. She commands for the guards to head on in. We follow in the middle of the group.
"Wait you lot!" Lizzie calls out from behind us "I'm coming with you."
"Are you sure? You will have to stick near Me" kathrine says.
"Only until I find my brother" lizzie says gripping her sword.
"When we find him, and the rest, you take them back here. No dilly dallying." Pearl says walking to the portal.
"Fine." Liz replys. We all follow Pearl through the postal. Surprisingly, there was no one (other then the resistance) in the nether. Not a ghast nor pigline insight... something isn't right. However, we keep going towards the Rivendale portal.

Once we arrive, Sausage lights the portal with his bow and we go though. We where rushed with a heat warmer then that of the nether. My eyes began to adjust to the light. Unlike the last time we were here, Rivendale is coverd in fire and corruption. Kathrine signals for the guards to stay put. She then walks over to the cave entrance. Kathrine bends down. "Trip wire" She calls out "dig through the walls" the soldiers begin to dig out through the cave.

A decent size hole is carved out. "You all ready?" Kathrine calls.
The guards unanimously reply with a mix of 'yes mam' or 'yes your majesty'
"Go!" She cries. As the guards, Lizzie, Kathrine and Shelby enter the cave system. Pearl, Fwhip, Gem and I head to the center or Rivendale. We hastily begin to look around, corruption tenticals formed everywhere. Its sickening. "So, you've all made it" I hear Xornoth say from behind me. I jump forward and turn around to see them. Xornoth. "When was the last time we had a fight brother dearest? Oh right, when the pathetic excuse for a wizard tried to contain me!" They cry out laughing.

"Well let the battle begin."

Xoronth sent one of their corruption tendrils hitting me in the face. Blood dripped from my nose. I didn't care. I looked over at my sibling the smile on their face only growing more as I stumble to brace myself. Gripping my sword I run to attack for them to only teleport me behind him. "Oh brother dearest" they chuckle "how stupid could you be?" I turn to face them. "How much longer will you last?" They begin to yell like their commentating the battle "will he defeat me intime to safe his 'damsel in destres'" Xoronth looks over to one of their many tendrils they have. It began to move reviling Jimmy and Joey on a platform. Jimmy tied down to a stake surrounded by wood and Joey holding a match. "JIMMY!" I call out.
"Just give up now brother. You've already lost" Xoronth calls out. Without thinking my body throws it self towards the Demon. I pull out a bow and begin to shoot at them. I got many hits however it was like nothing happend to them. As I stopped behind the leg of the great stag, I realised I was the one bleeding. In every area where the arrows shot a cut formed. My once blue white and gold coat was stained red. I look over to where Jimmy was. Joey had lit the match. Should I continue to battle? No. I begin to run towards the cliff side and jump of activating my Eleytra. I fly over to where Jimmy was. "So, Xorny was right?" Joey said "You did truly fall for it!!" He calls out kicking the dummy. The closer I was the more easy to see it was a dummy. "Where is he then?!" I yell.
"No idea!" Joey yells in a single song. Before I could reply I hear the sound of a moving tendril behind me. I turn to see Xoronth behind me. I back over to a ledge. "Oh brother. Your trapped here now. Your friends have been captured. Your the only one here. Just give up already" Xornoth calls out holding their hand towards me. I grip tighter on my sword. "You know that will be useless against me" They Chuckle. If not a wepon... what about. I let go of my sword. I reach my hand out to them. As they grasp it I let out a shock of ice freezing out hands together. They cry out in pain. I feel my own body get colder. I ignore it. Xornoth tries to break the grip. They fail. I clearly have the winning hand. I look at my older twins face only to see them smirking. What..? They teleport away and I shoot out a huge blast of ice magic.

It almost instantly began to snow. I look to the sky, it darkened with grey clouds. The tendril I am standing on, it began to freeze. I look back to where my sibling stood. Now was...

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