chapter six - it felt... warm

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Joey and a few 'guards' escorted me to the cave where I once had my Stag, all that was left of him was his antlers... I look at them in disbelief and disappointment. Another thing I had failed to protect. Joey flipped a switch and began to walk away. The guards then took me through a 'secret' door. I am then brought to a cell. There are many other cells around. Unfortunately I have to have the one furthest from the door. I am shoved into the cell. The door closes. Then is locked. I sit on the floor. No point in trying to escape yet. Maybe later. "Scott?" I hear from behind me. I turn around and see Shelby. "Scott is that actually you?!" She calls. I node moving away from her. Shelby runs over and hugs me. "Shelby...?" I mutter.
"Your too tall" shelby says pulling me down "where were you...?" She asks. "That's a story for when we get out." I say "how long have you been down here?"
"A few hours, I've only recently been brought here." Shelby says "a few of the others are here aswell. Like, Sausage, Pearl, Kathrine and Fwhip!" Well, this will get awkward later on... eh, I'll deal with that later. "Follow me" shepby says walking to a darker corner. I walk over to her. "I found this" Shelby pulls out am ife block, that of which had a sword frozen inside. "Do you have any clue on what this is?" She asks. She gives me the ice block. I read the symbols on the side of it. 'The Rune Blade' "shelbs, could you move back a bit." I ask. Shelby nods and moves back. I melt the ice. I turn around and show the sword to Shelby. "Woah, this reminds me of something I read back in my home land." Shelby says brushing her finger tips across the blade.
"My parents used to tell story's of swordsmiths from hundreds of years ago who made wepons with magic intended within them." I begin "and by the look of this sword, this is one of them" the symbols looked oddly, familiar.
"We should hide this" Shelby says "pass it here, I know some good spots here" I give her the sword and she goes of to hide it. I hear the ping from a communicator somewhere. It was the sound that was made when someone sent out there location. I look to see who it was. Turns out it was Gem. She was around the area under what was my base. So this tunnel goes deeper. Interesting.
"Oi, you two." I hear a voice call "i need to take ya' to some new cell or somthin'" the man unlocks the cell holding me and Shubble. He puts us both in handcuffs and we start to walk deeper into the tunnels. I look over at Shubble. "Did they see the sword?" she mouths.
"Probably" I mouth in reply. We both look forward as not to arouse suspicion.

We pass many cells, but one catches my eye. Gem and Fwhip where inside of it. I look away before either notice I looked. We stop outside their cells and the man unlocks a cell across from them. We are put on there and out handcuffs are removed. The man leaves and I see Fwhip and Gem looking over at us. I slowly walk to the back of the cell.

Shelby looks over at he then goes over to the bars. "Hello!!" Shelby says. I sit behind one of the beds. "Shelby, are you alright?" I hear Fwhip say.
"Why wouldn't I be?" She asks. At that moment, I just wanted to bang my head against the wall. I've been away, for nearly a month. And no one noticed.
"Ohhhh, them thingsss" I hear Shrub say "Jimmy said that he got attacked by Zombies, Gem told me about her 'incident' and I just assumed that Scott likes to decorat early."
"Decorat?" Fwhip asks.
"Yeah, Rivendale's winter fest would have been soon!" Shelby says. I let out a small laugh. Sometimes shelby is so nieve. I hear Fwhip begin to yell. He has a right to be angry. I hurt Gem. But why is he yelling at Shelby? "I Just want to keep you all safe!!" He screams out. I look over the bed rails to see the three. Looked as if she could pass out any moment now. Hyperthermia...? Maybe. Shelby looked as if she noticed it too. Fwhip however  hadn't. But he looked upset...
"Luckily, i have this..." Shelby pulls out some Gnome soup thing. She looks both aways before passing the bowl to fwhip and fwhip gives it to Gem. He them places Gem into a bed. "What was even in that Shelby?" Fwhip says
"Mushrooms. Lots of mushrooms" she says.

I hear someone walk past. "Security check" Fwhip groans. So that's who's walking past. I get up from the corner and walk nearish to Shelby. The guard stops outside our cells. "So your the ones on high lockdown" he says turning to look at me and shelby "oi, blue kid. Come here" I go close to the gate. Still a good meter between us. He slips something in a brown cloth through the gates. "Don't get caught with it" he says and walks off. Fwhip and Shelby look at me. I unwrap the brown cloth... inside was...

I hear a horn from the distance. "GO, GO!" Lizzie yells, me Joel and her get up and begin to run. Three days of hiding and running. Where the hell is scott? I look behind me and see that we are being chased by Raptors. "What the fuck?!" Joel yells.
"We need to split up" liz calls "Joel go left, I'll go right and Jimmy keep running forward. We'll find echother eventually!"

And so we split of. However, the Raptors only followed me. I begin to run towards the Ocean. I jump in making a quite splash as I did. I swam to under the area I jumped down from. The Raptors stopped at the cliff edge. I hear someone yell to find 'the girl' I assume they ment Lizzie.
I heard all the Raptors leave so I start to swim out.

I began to make my way to lizzies empire. Her's was the safest.

should probably find a place to hide here whilst I wait for Joel and Liz. I begin to go to lizzie's under water grotto. It felt nice here. Knowing that both the people I care about where here last. It felt... warm...

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