Chapter fourteen - no, you cannot rest >=/

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I Close my eyes hoping to wake up from this nightmare. When I reopen them, the world is white. Not as in, oh Rivendale's covered in snow again. I mean, there is nothing but white. I look down to where Scott was, his body was no longer there. "W...what...?" I murmur getting up off the floor. I look around hoping to see more then this abyss of white. "Greetings Young one" a voice calls "ah, you must be confused... well, my brothers... protégé... sent you to what could be, your future" the voice calls.
"brother...? Protégé... FUTURE?!" I cry. "sorry for yelling"
The man starts to speak again "my child, you have nothing to apologise for. Now, you must stay here for long. Your partner needs you" and with that I feel the heat of the nether engulf me.

Slowly I open my eyes, adjusting to the light. I see the figure of two people over me. "Jimmy? Are you dead" one says. It sounds like Pearl? "Wha?" I murmur. Sitting up I see we're still in the nether. "What happend?!" I cry.
"You blacked out I assume" Pearl says "We banished Xor Xor again. Scott also passes out though" A small giggle emerges through her words.
"What's so funny...?" I murmur.
"You two really are made for echother. You do everything together, even pass out at the same time" her giggles turn into a laughter as I feel my cheeks heat up. I want to yell that we weren't dating. But... a part of me wishes that we are.

-another short chapter! This is only to confirm Scott isn't dead. Yet /hj-

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