chapter eight - preparing for a battle.

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A/N - still all in Scott's Pov
As the new day rolls in we grab a few books that could be important and climb out the old library. "Oi, shelby, Scott," fwhip calls out to us. He places a shulker box. "This has all your stuff in it" he says. Shelby and I take our stuff and equip our armour. It felt nice to have all this back. "Now off to Kathrine's!" Shelby yells"

We arrive at The Overgrown. Guards question us before allowing us inside the empire. We get escorted to the main building of House Blossom. "Miss Kathrine?" One of the guards call out.
"Yes?" She replies walking over "Oh, what a present surprise. Come, sit down"
We follow her to atable with 6 chairs. "I assume your heart for shelter." She says "Well, your always welcome within house Blossom and the Overgrown" kathrine gives us a warm smile. "Thank you Kathrine" I say.
"There's an Inn just under the floating Palace." She says.

We arrive at the Inn, rooms had been precooked apparently? Thanks Kathrine. We take our keys and head off. As I arrive at my room I hear woman crying. I knock on the door I could hear the crystal from. It was Joel.

"Joel?" I say "what's going on?"
"I'll explain, come in" he says holding the door open. I enter the room and see lizzie crying. I look over to Joel. He sighs "Me, lizzie and Jimmy where running from your broth-" he says
"Siblings" I cut in "sorry-"
"Well, we where running from your sibling and Joey's army. We split up and said to meet up at Lizzie's empire" he continues "long story short Lizzie's place was taken over and we saw Jimmy in the cage lizzie had" What....?! I look over to lizzie. I walk over to her. "Liz...?" I say. She looks at me. Joel walks over. He hugs his wife. "I'll head out." I say walking out the room.

I enter 'my' room. I sit on the grey bed. So Joey and Xornoth have captured Jim... I fall to the floor. This had to be a dream. In still at the ice Palace. Its a dream. I feel tears fall down my face. I know, deep down, this is reality. I get up of the floor and walk over to the bed. There was a note.

Scott, meet me at the main hall at midnight tonight.

Why would she leave me a note...? Strange

Here's an epic time skip taht of which is brought to you from the Ocean queen herself

I look at the clock. 11:50. Being 10 or so minutes early won't hurt. Right? I begin to head down to the main hall. By the time I get there it's 11:57. I see Shuble sat with a note. I walk over to her. "Kathrine left you a note to?" I ask. Shelby nods.
"Any clue on what it's about" She asks.
"I have a small hunch"
Kathrine walks over to us. "Thabk you for coming on such short notice. Please come with me" she says walking over to the exit. Me and Shrub follow.

"You are aware of how most of the empires have been over thrown and taken over by Joey and Xoronth" she begins "Well, me, Pearl and many of the other empires have been planing a sort of... revolt." Kathrine let's out a sort if sinister giggle " Fwhip and Gem where part of the original planning. That's how they got captured."
"Who's involved with the... planing?" Shurb says.
"Me, Pearl, Pixle, Sausage, Fwhip and Gem." She says.
"No offence to anyone, but, are you sure you can 100% trust Sausage... I mean, he did free the Demon" Shrub points out.
"We don't, that's why we have a back up plan." She says. "But first, would you like to join the take back of the empires"
There is a small silence. I look at Shelby. She looks at me then back to Kathrine. "I'm in." She says. Kathrine and Shrub both look at me. "What about you scott" Kathrine asks.
"Wasn't it obvious? I'm in" I say.
"Ibwas expecting you both to say that, that's why I brought you here." Kathrine says walking into a building. We follow here. "Here's were the planning is done, its directly on the border between here and pearl's" we enter a room, there where a few chairs near a long table. All the way across the table was Pearl. "So, they did join huh?" Pearl says standing up.

Told you it wouldn't be hard" Kathrine says "now let's go over the strategies" Pearl says pulling up a map. We walk over to her. "Take a seat" she says. Me and Shrub sit on opposite sides of the Table.

"And that's the plan. We'll be initiating it Tomorrow" she says with a smile.
"Tomorrow?!" Sheub says.
"Yep, don't worry. We have resistance armour" Pearl says. A villager brings out an armour stand. The armour was gold plated but had a neitherite base, on the shoulder was a sunflower and a sword. "The shoulder represents the kingdom the owner is from on it, Fwhips has tnt, Joel's has moses, Gems has a crystal,Kathrines has a daisy, Lizzies has an Axolotl, Shrubs has a mushroom and Scott has a pair of antlers. All of the armours have a sword on them" Pearl says.
"Nice details!" Shelby says
"It was Kathrine's idea" Pearl says. Kathrine smiles after hearing her name.

About a week of planning and prepping. We've been taken to 2 meetings and have had 3 catchup ones which just Kathrine and Pearl. We only saw sausage at one meeting. Maybe its the distance. I mean, all the nether portals where destroyed. "Three more days." Kathrine calls out.
"Till what?" Fwhip says.
"Where you even listening?" Gem says elbowing him "till we start the conference" Gem let out a sigh.
"Okay, go get some rest." Pearl says. Everyone starts to leave. Now... to wait for the 3 days.

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