Chapter five - Welcome home.

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"Well, lucky for you, I have spare weapons!" Jimmy replied with a smug tone
"Cause you always lose yours?" I replied.
"Fuck you" Jimmy replied. Jimmy slid a sword, a sheild, a bow and arrows. "As for Armour, we could probably ask Lizzie for some" Jimmy replied. Jimmy checks his communicator. "Oh, looks like we will be seeing Joel there too" Jimmy says "Mazeala has been taken"
"Well, what are we waiting for? The moment I said that Jimmy got up and gave me a few rockets and we left the ice tower. I close the door after letting my owl out. "Let's go!" Jimmy calls out. And so, we began our three hour trip back to the empires.

As we get closer, I begin to see tendrils apon tendrils. Jimmy begins to swoop low. I begin to follow and we land on part of Mazeala. Jimmy waves his hands down. We both duck under a small ledge. Above us I began to hear to people ,who I assume where guards, talking about the 'new rulers'. Me and Jimmy creep down to the water and go in. I forgot Jimmy could swim well until I saw him speed off within the water.

I look back to see scott trying to keep up. I chuckle at his attempts. After a while I swim back to him. "You goof there?" I ask. Scott Shakes his head. I hold out my hand and he takes it and looks away. So , being a great friend I am, I start to swimming faster then before, the look on his face was priceless. We got to one of Lizzies lily pads and I threw Scott onto it, then I hopped onto it myself. "Holy shit Jimmy." Scott coughs out "a warning would be nice" despite trying to sound serious, Scott just broke down into a laughter. I look over to lizzies Palace and see her flying down. She looked happy to see me, but, as she turned her head and caught eye of scott, I remembered what happend a few weeks ago. "Oh shit-" I call out. I push scott behind me as lizzie lands. "Jimmy. Please move" lizzie says.
"Liz. I'm sorry..." I mutter "but, I cannot." Lizzies face turns to one of Anger. "Jimmy, please. I don't want to hurt you."
"You've got it all wrong!" I call out
"Whats going on-?" Scott asks.
"Don't act like you didn't hurt him scott" lizzie growls.
"Liz, let me explain everything." I say

After the epic af explanation

"What...?" Liz says.
"You can't blame him, he's pissed of the incident from Crystal Cliffs..." scott murmured. There was an awkward silence. "I guess you know about the demon" liz says. "Oh yeah- that's my fault-" I say.
"Well get back to that later. You two are helping me defeat him" liz says "no buts. Now, come with me. I have stuff for you."

After liz gave my and Jimmy the 'stuff' which consisted of, a ocean empire sword, axe, sheild and bow (with arrows) and a full set of 'ocean empire armour'.

(The blue armour)
Personally, I think I look amazing. "Liz I swear to the gods of the ocean that your is to tight" I hear Jimmy yell from across the palace. "It's fineeeeeeee" lizzie replies. I mean, the armour was tight, clearly made for way smaller people, but I think there fine. I see lizzie pushing Jimmy out into the main room. "You look nice Jimmy" I say. Some sort of lush forms around his face. Embarrassment? Probably.

He complemented me. I smiled at him. "Thanks, I can say the same for you" I reply.
"Awww, your such a cute couple" lizzie says "invite me to your wedding will ya'."
"OH MY GOD LIZ-!!" I yell

Time skip because I'm slowly falling deeper into a writers block by each sentence

Lizz brings us, Joel and her 'cake enforcers' to the start of what was the Cod Empire. Now, was a place of corruption, fire and blood. A huge guillotine was in one of the corners and many other execution devises where spread around. I look over to Jimmy. His face was plastered with shock and anger. Lizzie had one of a similar expression.
"I doubt they would be here" I whisper.
"Most likely at either, Mazeala, the lost empire or..." lizzie began
"Rivendale" Jimmy finishes. It was cute how he does that. Lizzie stands up and prepares to fly to Mazeala, me and Jimmy follow suit. We all fly off at similar times and before long, we made it to Mazeala.

Not much changed, Joel's mega Palace had a tendril of corruption set right through it. But other than that, Mazeala was fine. So we then fly off to the Lost Empire.

Very corrupt to say the least. Joeys wepons where here. So we begin to look around. I head to the enchanting building. Nothing too odd. Just bookshelves, an enchanting book and two paintings... PAINTINGS! I go to the one closer to me but feather from the door, when moving it, there was more books. I then go over to the other one, move that one, and bingo. There was a secret passage. I go down it, not to long. On the other side however, is something you would only think of being in one of thoughs 'yandere' stories. A whole ass room, Purley dedicated to my brother. Joey had clearly lost it when making this. There was a banner like the one Shelby had found in her house, and many red corrupted things. But there was also a cell, I go to take a closer look. It was open. As I am about to turn around I am pushed into the cell and I hear it click. I look behind me, and there he is Joey. "Well, this feels familiar now doesn't it." He says. I see a twisted smile form across his face. "Joey, let me out. I am trying to help you." I say, trying not to bring up the face Jimmy and Lizzie are with me. "Oh, don't worry. You are helping me by staying put, right here" Joey says with a laugh. "Xorny will be here soon!" Xorny...? That's a corney nik-name. "Oh, and don't worry about your friends. They have been delt with" Joey says.
"And what do you mean by-" I try to speak before being cut of. I was teleported somewhere. There was a bright flash so I can't really see yet.
"Brother. Its been a while." I hear Xornoth say. His voice echoing around wherever we are. As my vision begins to clear up, I see that we are in Rivendale. But, not the one I left behind, this one was no longer frozen. Buildings where destroyed and onto of the empty plains of the mountains stood a dark and corrupted Palace. I make eye contact with Xornoth. "Well, brother, welcome home. Hope you hate it"

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