Chapter 33-Boy or Girl????

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Chapter 33

~*~5 months later~*~

Tomorrow we go to find out what the gender of our baby is. Needless to say we are so excited. We invited the whole family for dinner. That way we can tell everyone the news. Right now I am out getting everything we need for dinner. Declan took the boys to get some new games before school starts back up.

I walked around the grocery store getting everything needed. I walked around the corner and the newspaper caught my eye. It had a picture of Mary and Alex on it. The headline read 'Mother and Son Duo Say They Are Innocent'. I gasped in horror. This can't be happening. I took my phone and called Brody.

"Hello Officer Brody speaking."

"Brody its Heather have you seen the paper?"

"Yes I have Heather. Whatever they are saying its not going to hold."

"Are you sure because I am having more and more dreams about him coming to get me. They are becoming more real."

"Heather calm down. I am positive. I talked to the judge this morning as soon as I read the paper. What they are saying is beyond ridiculous."

"Alright Brody I believe you. But while I have you on the phone, there is something I need to ask." I took a deep breath. "Do you think there is any way I could get in to talk to Alex myself?"

"Heather that is er ah that's a littler dangerous don't you think? I mean I can get you in but I don't think its a good idea in your condition. Once he sees you and sees that your pregnant that will make him angry."

"I know but I just need to see him face to face to understand why he did what he did."

"I don't think you will every understand. I will make you a deal talk to Declan and see what he says. If he says yes then I will let you talk to him."

"Brody you know damn well that Declan will not let me go and talk to him. Hell Declan doesn't even know that I am still having my dreams. Please let me do this! If not can you promise me to let me know if they get another hiring at least?"

"Heather that is something I can do. I just can't put you in that danger by seeing him. I am sorry. I will inform you of anything I hear about them."

"Alright I understand but please let me know."

With that I hung up and continued to shop. After about an hour and a half at the damn grocery store I finally made it home. Declan and the boys came out as soon as I pulled up. They started to unload the car. I grabbed a few bags and put them in the kitchen. I then walked into the living room and laid on the couch. Declan came in about 20 minutes later.

"Baby girl why don't you go take a nap?"

"No, I mean I am fine I just want to um watch a movie with you."

"Heather baby is everything OK?"

"Yes I am just a little tired from the store but I really want to watch a movie with you"

"Alright I will put the boys to bed and we can watch a movie."

Declan's POV

I walked up to the boys room. They were getting their pj's on. I told them to brush their teeth and get to bed. While the boys were brushing their teeth my thoughts drifted to Heather. She hasn't been sleeping well. I think she has been having dreams about Alex again. They stopped after we got home from the hospital, which was great. But I have been getting up in the middle of the night to her thrashing around in bed.

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