Chapter Sixteen

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Katniss's POV

The video they had put together, I find out before watching it, has been finished and aired all the while I was unconscious. Coin replays the video twice, and it continues to surprise me. My voice sounds so strong when inside I was terrified, I look angry and fierce when I knew that one little unplanned mistake could kill me or my child. It was as if that was the last thing on my mind, but I am fine now. Everyone who's seen it, mostly the citizens of Two and other districts Beetee was able to air the clip at, knows now my pregnancy is ongoing, I am indeed alive and well suited for the role as Mockingjay. If we get no one on our side, if this clip did nothing to frighten the Capitol, I don't have any more energy to work on another clip and I doubt anyone would allow me after the surprise attack in eight.

"The clip was a success, I give my acknowledgment to Beetee and the rest of the team. And, of course, Katniss for being our symbol of the rebellion and going out in combat during her pregnancy. With that, I think it is time to discuss sending Katniss back into combat after the incident in eight," says Coin, dragging me out of my thoughts.

I wrinkle my brow. "Wait, I'm being sent back into combat? Already?"

Half the room chuckles at my idiocy, the other half looks at me stunned and dumbfounded that I would even think about getting back into combat.

While chuckling, and having taken notice in my panicked tone, Haymitch says, "No, sweetheart. We're talking about how you won't be going back into battle. It is too dangerous in your pregnancy and with the unplanned raid, we don't know what to expect if we send you to another district. Like Boggs said before, they can't guaranty your safety, even with the best of the best."

I give a breather, hiding in my hands. Gale rubs my back soothingly and I hear Madge whisper something into his ear. He chuckles and whispers something back. Oh, how I despise them for loving each other right in front of me.

"Okay," I say before I run out of the room to cry. "I was going to suggest that this one propo would do the trick until we can get something else that doesn't involve me risking my life. I'm fine with whatever you have planned here in Thirteen."

"Great," says Plutarch. "We don't need a dead Mockingjay, yet."

I give Plutarch an alarmed look which he returns with a smile and a wink. I search for Haymitch's eyes to reassure me but he has turned the other way. I leave it as that and let the others discuss others matters until the time for Command has passed up. Except they don't let me leave the conversation when I want to wallow away in my own self-pity.

"Sweetheart?" someone calls me, which could only be Haymitch. I continue to hug my growing tummy and ignore him. Gale kicks me under the table and I pinch his thigh.


"What do you think about doing a set of propos that involve you and the others talking about the tributes? A tribute to the tributes? We'll call it We Remember, Fulvia came up with it," says Haymitch. Fulvia gets caught by surprise but recovers quickly when Haymitch gives her the spotlight. She gratefully takes it.

"Yes," she says while standing and pacing, "we would have you and Annie and Brutus discuss the tributes you spent your time with in the arena and put it together to make a propo. It was just a little idea, but since everyone seems to like it, we would like to hear your opinion. Which is?"

I take a breath before answering. Just thinking of the tributes from the arena makes me want to tear up and inside a classroom closet. I have to think of what good this would do, everyone continues to tell me to talk about my Games and nightmares with someone to get it off my mind. I usually did that with Peeta at times when I felt like the weight of secrecy would crush me if I didn't speak up. Without him, I don't really have anyone to spill my brains out to. "I like it. It is a brilliant idea. We- we would be reminding everyone of why we are fighting. Yes, I love it. I'll do it."

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