Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Katniss's POV

Everyone was washed by the time we got to the washing room. A few people were leaving, a mother was washing her child's hair, the little girl was playing with the bubbles foaming around her. She glanced up at me and giggled, I smiled. There were either tubs or showers to wash in, all with a hung curtain to have some privacy. Everything is a starch white, the tiles and towels sitting on a shelf. It almost felt normal, the mood thirteen tried to incorporate into these bunkers. It was enough the reason we were here, the little normal things would be somewhat of a comfort.

Prim went for a shower. Peeta and I snuck into a tub. 

I can't help but giggle as we rip our cloths off and start the warm water. Peeta helps me sit in the tub and he follows suit, placing himself behind me. His hands wrap around my large belly, the beginning of the twins everlasting kicking. 

"Did you learn the sexes without me?" Peeta whispers in my ear. It is barely audible over the water filling the tub. I laugh. 

"No, I couldn't will myself to do it without you."

Peeta breaths out a laugh on my neck. It tickles me and I laugh. 

"Shh," Peeta whispers. He begins kissing my neck softly, biting down on my skin. I moan, which makes Peeta laugh against my skin. His breath it warm and sends shivers down my back. I turn to face him and let my lips meet his. My hand reaches for his hair, it has gotten longer since the last time he trimmed it. I can pull on it all I want, but I don't.

We are out of breath, and the water is full, covering everything below our shoulders, when we let go. I stare into his eyes, something I used to find awkward and tried to avoid. Now, all I ever want to do it stare at his eyes, or any part of Peeta really. The blue is at its brightest, pupils dilated, and his lips turned into a small smile. I can truly believe I, for once, look the same. 

"So," he whispers, leaning over to shut off the water. His hands find my belly again and I trace mine over his. "Do you want me to wash your hair?"

I laugh, expecting something more serious than that from Peeta. "Sure," I laugh. Peeta's fingers massage my scalp with warm water first, then the lavender soap. Once my hair is lathered, his bubbly hands roam down my neck, to my shoulders, and finally to my back, his fingers adding the perfect amount of pressure to release the knots I've earned over the pass months. I almost fall asleep sitting up while his fingers work magic. Peeta, too soon, washes off the bubbles and wrings out my hair from the soap. He pulls me close to him again after soaking his own hair.

"Feel better?" he whispers in my ear. I close my eyes and lean against his shoulder.

I nod. "Amazing."

"You deserve it. You are carrying my children, Katniss. You have made me the happiest I have ever been, I will give you anything you want."

I grin. "Can I have another kiss?"

I turn and look at Peeta. He smiles and chuckles. "Anything you want."


No one turns their heads when Peeta and I walk back to my bunker, both heads of hair dripping and fresh clothes hugging us warm. My mother doesn't even make a comment when we return. Her and Prim have fixed up the room and tell us Peeta and I will be occupying the mattress on the floor, my mother and Prim will have the bunk beds. I smile as she doesn't linger on Peeta and I sharing a bed together. 

We set up on the mattress, leaning against the wall as the night is still young. It is only a few minutes later when we are comfortable and fall into a nice silence, when my mother stands from her bed and begins to walk out of our bunker.

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