Chapter Four

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Katniss's POV

 I waited impatiently, tapping my foot rapidly. It was futile to think this wasn't happening, that I was still asleep in the bed that seemed so comfortable compared to the hard cement of the cell. Just one interview, I reminded myself, just one, and we are through for the day. Peeta reached out for my hand, squeezing. I did not screech in pain, for my skin was smooth and silky up to my wrists. The rest of my unexposed skin was covered with a silk dress that was cut at the neck down to my feet. The sleeves were long, and I was grateful for it too. It wasn't as cold as the cell deep underground, but it was chilly. Someone called my name, telling me to go onstage. I walked away from Peeta, letting my hand slowly fall from his to my side.

I couldn't go out with everyone watching me, the dress was too tight and you could see the baby bump. If it was still a baby bump. I sat down, where one woman came rushing to fix me up, angle the camera to catch my face right, fix my dress and adjust how I sat and where I placed my hands. She stuck a small device in my ear, turning the little thing on so I could hear someone speak to me. I was to follow the instructions told to me, and actually answer the questions asked to me. No matter how much I did not want to.

Caesar walked to his seat, trying desperately to look anywhere but my eyes. I caught them once, noticing now how gold they were. His whole ensemble was gold, shining in the light as if it were real. Maybe it was. I would ever know, I couldn't ask. I wasn't supposed to speak unless I was told to. I haven't been told anything, so I stayed quiet.

 "Five minutes, everyone!" Someone yelled. People rushed around, fixing things, yelling at others to do something. I sit patiently, trying as hard as I could to sit straight and remember to smile. The curtains open, showing a grand of people waiting to watch the interview of the Star Crossed Lovers. I immediately got nervous. The crowd was excited, they began screaming. I sat quietly, smiling. It was a painful task to smile now, for it was not real and I wish I could run away, so far away from here. Use all my energy to run and run and climb and swim, just to get away from here. But, I could not do that, I could never leave Peeta here for Snow to hurt him, maybe even kill him, for my selfish actions.

"Welcome, citizens of Panem! I am Caesar Flickerman, your host, and today we have a two special guests that will be joining us. First off, Katniss Everdeen!" The crown goes wild, shouting and clapping like mad men. I smile as the camera turns to me. Caesar starts off with the first question. "So, Katniss, how have you been?"

 You are fine, you love it here in the Capitol, someone says in my ear.

 "Oh, I'm fine. I love it here in the Capitol," I say with the most fake yet enthusiastic voice I could make.

 "Good, good. How you holding up after the endings of the Quell? What were you thinking then?"

 You're okay. You can't remember much, you had a concussion.

 "I'm okay. I- I can't remember much from the ends of the Quell, I had gotten a concussion so..."

Caesar saved me, thankfully. "Ah, I see. That's too bad. I think we all would have loved to know what you were doing then, right everyone?" The crowd screamed. I wanted to scream with them: I was doing it for Peeta! I did what I did purposely! I remember!

"So, Katniss," I turn to Caesar. "Before the Quell, while you were doing the interviews with Peeta, he told us something that blinded us for a second. Do you remember what he told us?"

I nodded, I knew exactly where this was heading. I could see in Caesar's gold eyes how sorry he was for bringing this up. He possibly knew how this conversation was going to go, he knew what I had to say next.

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