Chapter Two

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Katniss's POV


When I awoke, all I could feel was the most unbearable pain ever. My head was pounding even with the silence around me, my heart was rushing blood through my veins too quickly and I felt dizzy even while laying down, my skin felt too tight against my bones that the slightest movement hurt, there was a chill that made my teeth chatter too much as it ran up and down my back, I felt so weak that opening my eyes seemed like the hardest accomplishment at the moment; breathing was as difficult, it felt like someone was sitting on my chest while also running a thousand knives across my skin over and over and over. My back burned in flames, laying on it was a horrible option, my throat felt extremely dry and swallowing did nothing to help; I felt sharp pains in my lower back, constantly going on and on. My whole body was in pain, I just wanted to fall back into sleep, see if I wake up next time, I won't wake up at all or I would fortunately feel better. But that wasn't happening.

It was then the cry of beeps began. I had no idea where they came from, for I never opened my eyes. They suddenly went off in seconds of my thoughts drifting from pain to the thought of sleeping. They continued for what seemed like hours, although I have concluded was only a few minutes. I couldn't think with the beeping pushing pain deeper through my mind, so I began to count the beeps and felt the beeps become soothing for after a while, they didn't seem so loud.

The beeps continued for a while, although I lost count maybe hours, or minutes ago, I yet still did not open my eyes. I did not sleep, I did not move or make an attempt to speak. The thought of sleep seemed so far, I did nothing about it. I let it drift away as the beeps became quieter, thinking I was finally sleeping, or dying, either way, I would not regret what happened. I would miss Peeta if I left this early, I would miss Prim and feel guilty for leaving both of them. I would miss my mother, she might not have always been there but she was trying now. I would feel guilt leaving Haymitch, now that he was getting so much better with his drinking and all. I would feel most guilty about Peeta losing both me and our child-

The baby! I wanted to yell.

I dared not leave my eyes closed for another second, I would not lay in pain for longer, I would not die not knowing if my child was alive or not.

I made my attempt to open my eyes, growing tired by just trying. I wanted the beeps to stop, for they cried out and echoed through the empty dungeon. I could not hear voices, or screams from my allies accompanying me in this hell hole. I tried anything to move my finger, twitch my nose, open my mouth, all with futile accomplishments. I was too weak, I was in a great amount of pain to flatter. If I could just move something, anything, make any sudden movement that would catch Peeta's attention, if he was indeed here. I doubt he wouldn't be watching me while in this state, waiting for me to do something to show him I'm alive.

After so long of trying to move some part of my body that I couldn't feel, I gave up. The beeping had stopped a few minutes ago, so I could hear pacing and sounds that would not form into words. My mind felt like mush, like I didn't know anything anymore, like something had fried my brain and the normal things everyone knew about life never entered mine.

Now that the beeping had stopped, I continued to try to sleep, but it never came. I wasn't tired, I was just bored, really. I hated being in this state, weak and useless. It was the worse state to be in, weak and in pain, useless to anyone around me, if anyone was around, and myself, unable to move, paralyzed by what? Nothing of how I got like this could reach my mind, I couldn't remember what hurt me, or who. I couldn't remember why I was like this, stuck and in pain, paralyzed and weak. Why would I be like this?

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