Chapter Seventeen

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Katniss's POV

Lunch the next day is normal, small talk is passed around, but everything seems to be calming down after the last set of propos from yesterday. I heard from Gale that they already had the videos ready to release, the time would be our next Command meeting which was an hour after lunch.

My mother and Prim left the table first heading back to the medical floor. Rory trailing besides Prim as my mother walks ahead of them. I smile upon seeing my sister so fond of a boy her age. I trust Prim with her own heart, she can be naive sometimes, but with true love, she has taken over the Everdeen women heart.

Hazzelle leaves next with the rest of the bunch, all saying goodbye to the baby and me. Posy talks to the baby quickly saying she will see him soon, stuck hard on it being a boy. I have guessed that the conversation came up from time to time and everyone had their opinions. Posy sided with Gale, who also says it is a boy. Vick and Rory say a girl, Prim follows. The rest I have lost thought to having been in the middle of an excited family voicing their faiths at the past lunch.

Annie never showed to lunch, she was who I was hoping to see today. Without her dark burgundy hair against the crowd, I sat besides Gale and Madge who are still with me. Haymitch sat with Effie at another table, ours too crowded to begin with. Beetee was along with them, speaking to them privately. Brutus was across from me, his usual grinning self. After the weeks with him, I have come to know him well. He is all hard hidden in his shell until he is struck with a bad situation as to which his reaction is to become the center of attention and make the whole room laugh and smile. He is a joy as he makes jokes about how my baby will come out painting this beautiful masterpieces or baking the most exquisite of cakes or shooting airs like it's none of its business. Brutus truly calms my worries about my unborn child as I go along my pregnancy without Peeta. My mind roaming to Peeta takes a toll on my happy mood. My smile fades and Brutus notices, indicating another joke to Gale and Madge as they talk.

"Katniss, you'll have to separate them soon, or else they'll end up in your situation," he says, pointing his fork at my tummy. I laugh so hard people from other tables turn to look at me. Gale and Madge scoot from each other and blush a deep red. They chuckle nervously as Gale rubs his blotchy neck and Madge examines her plain nails.

Brutus stands to leave, patting my stomach that never seems to stop growing, and winks at Gale who curses at him quickly.

I shake my head laughing.

"What?" Gale asks overcoming his embarrassment.

"You are going to be a horrible example to the baby."

He chuckles, bringing Madge close to him. "Don't think you'll be too."

I smile. "I know."

I pick up my now empty plate and leave the couple at the table, knowing I will puke if I see them kiss even just once.

I make my way to Annie's hospital room since she still cannot live by herself, or with someone accompanying her, just yet. I suggested I room with her, but my mother, Haymitch and doctor declined the suggestion. I left it at that and I made them agree to let her room with Finnick once he returns. Upon hearing this, Annie was rushed with sudden enthusiasm at the thought of living with Finnick once he returns. I warn her though that he will be in the hospital until he is strong enough to be himself, she understood, warning me the same thing. After, I suggested she room with Johanna as a joke, but she liked the adventure.

That wouldn't work out anyway. Johanna would move in with Brutus once she is out of the hospital.

"God, I have gone crazy haven't I?" I ask Annie upon walking into her private hospital room. She is sitting on the cold floor above a thin hospital blanket reading a book. I'm glad Effie could sneak us something interesting from this district. I had a few books stuffed with my other belongings I like to skim through at times.

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