Chapter Twenty-One

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Katniss's POV

"So, Thirteen has a strict policy."

"Well, being stuck in the hospital for the first few weeks lets you skin the knife for some time."

"But we are so dearly good at scrapping by right?"


"You two should be attending dinner," a guard tells us. We nod and continue walking to get to dinner.

Once we are out of reach, Peeta and I start laughing.

Peeta was finally discharged three days after his surgery, and boy, do I have a surprise for him after dinner. He hasn't figured out why I'm in such a good mood. He claims it is because he has been discharged and I agree. I am truly happy Peeta is healthy now, but there is another part of it he never catches.

"What do they usually serve?" Peeta asks.

I laugh. "Mush."

"Mush?" he asks with a disgusted face. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, food that has been liquefied and taste like tar."

Peeta laughs. "You always think everything taste like tar or like the best thing you've ever eaten."

"Hormones," I say, jabbing my finger at him. Peeta surrenders by putting his hands up.

We grab our trays and get served our food, for me, my plate continuously grows heavy due to the fact that my child is making me gain weight. He or she is growing so, to scientists facts, I need more nutrition, which means more disgusting food.

Peeta and I head to our table where Gale and his family are sat, along with my mother and Prim and Madge. Annie is with Finnick as he recovers an intensive head injury from the Capitol. Johanna and Brutus have been seen very little of, all they do is stay in Johanna's room. What they do in there, we don't know. I just hope she doesn't end up like me any time soon.

"Good to see you back, Peeta!" Madge says as we sit down. Posy and her brothers sit on my right while Peeta is on my left. Across from me is Gale, who gives me a smile, Madge on his left and his mother on his right. Prim and my mother sit beside Madge.

Conversation floats around, the atmosphere now more stable due to the addition of people we have and the worry and stress from before has disappeared. Posy stands on her chair and leans on the table, looking to Peeta. Her eyes are wide as she stares, Peeta oblivious to the fact he is being stared at by, now, the whole table.

"Posy, where are your manners? Sit down and leave the boy alone," Hazzelle says. Posy jumps, while Peeta looks from his food to the little girl next to me. She sits back down but stares at Peeta again. Peeta glances at her, then me, asking me secretly what was going on. I shrug my shoulders and fill my mouth with smoked vegetables.

"Yes, Posy?" Peeta finally says.

"Are you Kat's boyfriend?" the five year old says.

Gale practically spits out his food. Madge is giggling behind his shoulder, the mothers at the table go cold. Prim is in fits of silent laughter. Peeta looks at me so shocked. I smile and wave my hand to Peeta to answer her.

"Um... Yes, I am."

Posy giggles and hides her face in her hands. She returns to staring at Peeta and asks, "Do you know she's going to have a baby!" Posy giggles as if it is the most absurd thing she has ever heard, it actually is at times.

Peeta chuckles nervously. He rubs his neck red. "Yes," he puffs out, "Yes, I do."

Hazzelle tells Posy to sit and stop bothering Peeta. I can't help but hold back my laughter, it was one of the only times I recall seeing Peeta so nervous. The rest of dinner is quiet, and once the doors open to release everyone, Hazzelle takes the small children to their compartment. Gale and Madge leave next, seeing Madge had a shift at the hospital wing early the next morning. My mother and Prim stayed for a few minutes while Peeta and I mumbled about how things went around here. Prim fidgets lots until I stop talking and allow her to tell Peeta how working and learning at the hospital is going.

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