Chapter Twenty-Three

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Peeta's POV

The little light pouring through the window screams of a new day, one we both dread. I know I am in the safest position I could be in, but it still frightens me that I am putting myself in such a crazy situation as to go to Two and be on the battlefield once again. Now being in the shoes, Katniss much have felt ten times worse than I. She had much more to worry about, but I have the same needs to come back to. I am needed more here in Thirteen than in Two. But who else could go beside me? Why am I doubting myself now? It is far too late to say no, or is it?

Why do I stress myself so?

Katniss sleeps peacefully beside me. She lays in the patch of sun coming from the clear window. The covers are lifted to her waist, where her large stomach lays uncovered for the cool morning air. The nights become agonizing with heat from the other, so by morning, we are apart in bed and laying in the stuffy air.

But the air has cooled and the sun warms Katniss's olive skin. Her eyes flutter but remain closed for sleep is what she has been calling for months. Our child needs the rest along with its mother who is carrying it. Her hair is pulled into a soft braid, loose on the pillow she lays her head on. Her hands curled up in a fist, one by her stomach the other by her cheek. Her eyebrows wrinkle in distraught, but she smiles with a tiny puff of a laugh.

The sun is set in the sky for about seven o'clock when Katniss turns onto her back, stretching her arms behind her head. She keeps her eyes closed due to the bright sun hitting her face, but she reluctantly rubs at her belly. She yawns and pulls her body together again, staring into the bush of woods crawling outside in the September morning. A smile slides on her face and my hand twitched relentlessly to grab a pen to scribble her down.

Her head turns to the window, she doesn't notice me staring until she gets up. I smile at her, warmly. Hers comes in a soft, she is still half asleep way. I chuckle and wait for her to get washed up in the bathroom for her to come out.

"Would my beautiful girlfriend mind if I take a romantic goodbye shower with her?" I say as she wraps herself in my arms.

"Your beautiful girlfriend would not mind," she answers.

We take our time undressing and entering the shower, my eyes capture every piece of her skin, her large stomach now much too big for her to handle, the scars the rack her body, the ones she hates. Katniss can't help but be nervous to look at anything but my eyes while we change. But one tender kiss changes her whole perspective. Soon she can't keep her hands off me, but I won't let her crazy intentions go on.

"Our real first time has to be special," I say.

She signs. "You are the problem."

"Why? Because I have my priorities straight."

"No," she says drying her hair. "Because you caused the hormones that make me want you so bad."

I laugh out loud at her, she don't show any sign of blushing.

"I'm sorry, I have to head over to Command so early."

Katniss smiles again, "Its alright. You have a heavy day ahead of you, you need all the planning you can get. I will be caught up on everything once you get to Two."

"I'm off then."

She sighs. "My prince in shining armor."

I kiss her lips and rub her stomach. The baby kicks against my hand while I kiss Katniss deeply. 

Her eyes are still closed by the time I remove my hands from her and leave.


"You alright?"

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