Entry 2: Little One?

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Dear diary,

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Dear diary,

Today, is the first of my last year in college. Dad had bought me a new bag even though I told him no, he's loves spoiling me, I guess. Last night, I had this dream, a very very weird one. There was this blurry face of a guy, he was calling me "little one" and all. I don't know why he was calling me that, but it was really weird. There was also this tree that I don't quite understand, it had this letters on it... "Jae + Koo". Dad sometimes call me Koo, it's his nickname for me, I don't know who this Jae person is though, must be just a weird dream. Anyways, I'll go get ready for school :)

- Jungkook :)

Jungkook looks up as he hears a knock on his door. He smiles, knowing it was his dad. Of course it would be, they're just the two in the house. Walking to his door, he opens it and is met with his dad, who smiled at him as he held his bag.
"Aigoo, you're not changed yet" His dad says, playfully glaring at him.

"I was" Jungkook says, huffing.
"Okay, okay, I prepared your bag for you" His dad says, pinching his cheeks before giving him the bag.
"Thank you" Jungkook says and hugged him.
"I'll wait for you downstairs" His dad says and he nodded.
"Oh, dad... Can you just take my bag to the car?" Jungkook says and his dad nods, smiling as he grabbed the bag.

"Bye, Koo! See you at home!" His dad says, waving goodbye before driving off. Jungkook smiles, looking back at the entrance of the school. Taking a deep breath, he held onto the straps of his bag. Walking in, he hears some gossip and it was about...

"Hey, I heard there was a new student transferring here"

"Hey, I heard there was a new student transferring here"

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