Entry 10: Orphanage?

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Dear diary,

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Dear diary,

When we visited the orphanage, there was this woman who knew my name and acted like we knew each other... Her face looked familiar but I can't get my mind to remember it... Dad told me that maybe she just got the wrong person and I agreed with him. We gave our old clothes and my old toys to the kids there, they looked so happy... Anyways... I met this guy from before again, Seokjin... And this Yoongi guy, they were with four guys and they all looked so shocked when they see me... I don't know why... Then they approached me and they all hugged me... Dad had to push then away because I was being suffocated... Their warmth feels familiar...

- Jungkook :)

Jungkook smiles as he played with the kids at the orphanage.
"Little ones! Jungkook hyung or oppa got presents for you guys!" Jungkook says and went to grab the box of toys. He walked back and placed it down, turning to his side and made eye contact with a familiar faces.

The Seokjin and Yoongi guy. They were with four other guys. He ignored them and went to play with the kids again. His dad is currently talking with the people there. Suddenly, he looks up as he hears his name being called.
"Jungkook... Is that you?" He hears, turning around to be met with one of the guys.

He backs away, looking at the guy in confusion.
"Do I know you?" He asks, tilting his head to the side.
"I'm Park Jimin... I'm your dad..." He says and Jungkook is startled as five more people walked to him.
"Uhm...?" He says, frowning as he looked at each and one of them.

"Jungkookie... Y-you're alive... " One of them says, he looked so shocked. They then hugged him, startling him. He liked the hug but at the same time, he felt uncomfortable as he didn't know who these people are. They ended up being pushed away by his dad.

"What are you guys doing to my son?"

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