Entry 20: Forgiven?

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(Happy JK Day!! ❤)

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(Happy JK Day!! ❤)

Dear diary,

Jaewon apologized to me. He apologized for hurting me, for not being able to save me from that day, for not being a good friend to me, and for lying. I watched as he says all of these and I saw how he's really sorry, so I forgave him. I told him that we should forget about all of those as it's all in the past now... He's forgiven...

- Jungkook :)

Jungkook watches as Jaewon cried, apologizing to him over and over again.
"I shouldn't have went with them, I should've just pushed them away... I'm sorry you had to see that... It was all a misunderstanding, I didn't kiss back... I pushed them" Jaewon says. As he confessed all of these, Jungkook slowly regains some memories of it.

He stared at Jaewon, grabbing his shoulders.
"Hey, Jae... Calm down" Jungkook says and Jaewon does. He stared at Jungkook, gulping.
"I forgive you... It's all in the past now, we should forget it all now" Jungkook says, showing Jaewon a smile.

"Don't feel guilty anymore, yeah? I forgive you" Jungkook says. Jaewon stared at him and his eyes widened as he felt lips connect with his. Jungkook immediately pulls away and avoided eye contact.
"What was that for?" Jaewon asks, smiling as he blushed.

"Do you still have the keychain I gave you?" Jungkook says, clearing his throat as he changes the topic.
"Yeah, I still have it... It's a bit dirty now because it's old, but I have it" Jaewon says and shows the keychain, which he always have in his pocket.
"Answer me, Jungkook... What was the kiss for?" Jaewon says, teasing Jungkook who huffs.

"Aish, stop it" Jungkook says, playfully glaring at the other.
"Tell me or I'll kiss you til you drop" Jaewon says, causing Jungkook to hit his arm.



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