Entry 16: Stay Away From Jaewon?

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Dear diary,

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Dear diary,

As soon as I got home, I was met with them. They all looked a bit concerned when they stared at me. I asked them why, and they asked me about Jaewon. I told them that Jaewon is my friend and that he's a nice guy. They looked okay but they told me to stay away from him. I was confused as to why they would want me to stay away from a friend despite the fact that I told them he's nice. They're confusing me so much. Is it because Jaewon has the same name as the Jaewon on my diary?

- Jungkook :)

Jungkook got home with a smile, he had managed to remember the street of his new house and he's proud of that. Well, he was actually happy about something. Him and Jaewon had a date, yes. Jaewon asked him out on a date.

Of course he couldn't decline, he liked Jaewon too. Their date went smoothly, they talked about things and also talked about some school works they needed to finish.

Jungkook looked at the small rose keychain Jaewon had given him. He remembers Jaewon's words to him.

"I'll wait for you"

He blushes and opens the door. He looks up and is met with the six. He smiled, bowing his head to show respect. He walks in and went to the living room.
"We want to talk to you" They said and Jungkook nodded, indicating that they should continue.

"Do you know Jaewon?" Jimin asks and Jungkook nodded.
"Yeah, he's my friend. He's a nice guy, dads, don't worry" Jungkook says, of course he couldn't say that him and Jaewon had went on a date.
"Please stay away from him" They said, which startled Jungkook. He looked at them with a raised brow.

"Please... "


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