Entry 3: The New Student

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Dear diary,

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Dear diary,

Yesterday, I heard there was a new student, but I didn't get to meet them. If I do, I would like to befriend, I don't want them to feel lonely, especially they are new. I don't want them to feel like what I did when I first came into the school :)

- Jungkook :)

Jaewon looks around the school. He had met Jungkook's fathers last week, they were nice to him. He felt bad for them, he still feels guilty for having to hurt Jungkook. To this day, he still feels like it's his fault why Jungkook died.

His fathers had reminded him that it isn't and that it was an accident. Though he had told them the reason why Jungkook was hurting that day, but they had told him that he's not the reason and that they can't force him to like the younger.

Jaewon had transferred, his parents wanted him to change schools though it's his last year. He held his bag and looked around. Everyone had their eyes on him, making him uncomfortable. He sees someone so familiar but he couldn't get it to his head.

He walked to the principal's office to get his timetable. After getting it, he looked at it and tapped someone's shoulder. The guy turned around and smiled at him.
"Yes?" The guy says and Jaewon cleared his throat.

"Uh... I'm new here... Can you please help me find this classroom?" Jaewon asks, smiling. The guy nodded and walked ahead of him.
"Follow me" The guy says and he did.

They reached the classroom, Jaewon thanked the guy and walked in. He bowed and greeted everyone who had greeted him. He sees someone from the back, their head is down as they looked like they are writing something. As he continued to stare, the guy lifts his head up and Jaewon gulps.

"That can't be... "


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