Entry 4: Stare

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Dear diary,

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Dear diary,

4th entry, hehe. Yesterday, I found out that the new student had the same timetable as me, which means me and him are going to see each other. I heard from other students that his name is Jaewon, and I feel like I've heard that name before but I'm not very sure, it just sounds so familiar. Also, last night, I had this dream. Of course it's still blurry, this guy was calling himself Yoonie, from what I remembered, his face was blurry but then I could see that his hair was minty, he was giving me candies and chocolates, like he's spoiling me... Aish, I should just forget about these, it's all blurry anyways.

- Jungkook :)

Jungkook closes his diary and smiled, looking up to be met with his dad. His dad walked to him and gave him his allowance.
"Woah, this is so many, dad" Jungkook says and his dad smiles.
"Well, you've been good and also, it's been a month, right?" His dad says and he nodded.

"You spoil me too much" Jungkook says, huffing.
"Why, you don't want me spoiling you?" His dad says, chuckling.
"It's not that, you don't need to give me so much money, just a little is enough" Jungkook says and his dad shakes his head.

"I'll give how much I want to give you" His dad says and he just laughed, shaking his head. He hugged his dad's waist and leaned his head on his stomach.
"I love you, dad" He says, snuggling up to him. His dad kisses the top of his head and pats his head.
"I love you too, honey" His dad says, smiling.

It was Saturday, Jungkook and his dad had went grocery shopping. Jungkook pushes the cart while his dad looks through his list. Because he wasn't paying attention, his cart bumps into another person. He gasps, apologizing. He looks up and he's met with some guy, who looked at him in shock. Jungkook winces as his head hurt a bit.

"Aigoo, my baby~"

"Daddy, can we buy toys?"

"Shh, don't tell your daddy Jinnie I gave you chocolates"

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