Entry 11: Not Your Real Son?

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Dear diary,

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Dear diary,

We had a very weird conversation with those people. They argued with my dad, outside of the orphanage as they didn't want the kids to hear. They argued that I was theirs and that dad took me from them. I was very confused, my head started hurting and that's when they stopped. I couldn't hear what they said because my ears were ringing, I felt like I was going to pass out that time, luckily they cooperated with dad as soon as they saw that I wasn't feeling well.

- Jungkook :)

Jungkook looked at his father and the six people. He frowns as they looked at his father with a glare.
"Let's talk outside... We don't want the kids to hear arguing" Jin says and Jungkook's dad nodded. They all walked out of the orphanage and immediately started talking.

"He's ours" One of them says and Jungkook raises his brow.
"And what do you mean by that? I've taken good care of him ever since I found him" His dad says and Jungkook's eyes widened. Found him? Where did he find him?

"How do I know you guys are his fathers? I don't want my son to be taken by you guys if I can't even trust you" His dad says and one of them pulls their phone out.
"This! The first time he had come to our house! The day we had took him home after a adopted him!" One of them says. Jungkook stared at it with wide eyes, his head started hurting and his ears rang.

He could see them still arguing but he couldn't hear anything as he covered his ears.
"He's... Jeon... We... Father" Is what he can hear. He let out a groan and he felt arms wrapped around him.

"Make it stop... Please... Make it stop... "


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