author's note

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hi there.

i am rewriting this book because wattpad decided to delete it, although i don't think i violated any guidelines. i emailed them about it and they were no help of course.

so i've decided i'm going to try and rewrite my works. i'm so sorry to all of you that enjoyed them and i know they won't be the exact same, but i have learned from this situation and i'll take extra precautions to save my imagines in my notes in the future. i promise that if this book gets deleted again, i'll just repost the stories or post them on instagram instead. i plan on making one, it'll most likely be the same user mountainficss.

i changed the title of this book, maybe changing it to ateez imagines instead of smuts will help fix the issue, but keep in mind this will still be a smut book. if you have any other tips for not getting your book deleted, i would really appreciate if you shared them. i don't really know how wattpad works and how to get around certain things, so any tips would be greatly appreciated.

i'm trying to make the best out of this situation, i'm just not understanding why my story got deleted when there are so many smut imagine books like it on this app. i guess i'm going to try and take this opportunity to rewrite them and make them better than before. there's always room for improvement and i think this is my opportunity to improve.

i will be putting warnings in the next chapter, so please read those. i will repost them as soon as possible, but it may take some time because i have six works to rewrite completely. thank you for understanding.

ateez imagines ㋡Where stories live. Discover now