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i'm LITERALLY sosoosososo sorry y'all this story took such a long long time i'm really sorry
i didn't mean to take so long, i just got really busy first and then i didn't reallly know how to continue this story, i had to do some research to make sure my information was somewhat correct even though this is a smut
like i didn't wanna just write random shit i wanna actually make it somewhat believable ??
but yes this mafia idea was recommended by @beni.san_dayo, which was a great idea btw if you read this tysm
but i didn't know too much about how everything works, but i figured most of it out
i tried to make it as accurate as possible, they make money in multiple different ways by things like yk drug/good imports, offering businesses "protection" for a fee (when they're literally the only ones these people would need to be protected from), and they can also use the money they earn in legal ways like purchasing restaurants or nightclubs or wtv they decide to do
and back then ofc when alcohol was illegal yk they would bootleg, sell it illegally yk but i didn't really set my story back in the 20's so that doesn't really count lmfao
so yeah i did my best, i hope it doesn't sound too absurd as a story ik it's just a smut but
yeah ;)

san_dayo, which was a great idea btw if you read this tysmbut i didn't know too much about how everything works, but i figured most of it outi tried to make it as accurate as possible, they make money in multiple different ways by things like yk d...

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HES SO UGHHHHHHHSO PRETTYand he's a big baby i love it goodbyei hope he had a great birthday i accidentally slept through his bday live and i felt so so so guiltybut yes i love him sm he's gorgeous and so talented but seriously thank y'all for bei...

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and he's a big baby i love it goodbye
i hope he had a great birthday i accidentally slept through his bday live and i felt so so so guilty
but yes i love him sm he's gorgeous and so talented
but seriously thank y'all for being patient fr this story was really hard for me to come up with ideas for and i had no motivation 😭
so ty for understanding n i love y'all :) one last story !!
mr yunho is next and then we'll cycle through again with new ideas
i luv y'all thanks again <3

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