mercurial • song mingi

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mer·cu·ri·al/ˌmərˈkyo͝orēəl/(of a person) subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind

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(of a person) subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind.

SWITCH!Reader + SWITCH!Mingi
WARNINGS: degradation, bondage, teasing, unprotected sex, creampie, oral (m. receiving), riding, orgasm denial, pet names/nicknames, brief mentions of a safeword, marking, nipple play

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"What can I do for you, Mr. Song?"
You held back a smirk, holding the unwavering hard gaze of the tall man seated in front of you. He reached a hand up to tighten his jet black tie, his eyes never once leaving yours. You took a long sip of your whiskey, awaiting his response. "I'm here to discuss the casino." You raised your eyebrows, slightly taken aback at his request.
You were one of the most well-known mafia bosses in the city, sharing the same territory with a few other families. Being the head of an infamous mafia family gave you power, and many citizens feared you and your intensity. Multiple shop owners paid you thousands each month for protection, and money continued to flow to you through your surplus of nightclubs and restaurants that you had purchased. Your cunning and manipulative personality had easily made you the most wealthy and respected boss in the city, but there was one man that could almost rival you.
Song Mingi was born into the notorious Song family, famous for their drug and weapon imports. They sold to the most vicious criminals, making deals with the worst of the worst for high profit. For years they had almost total control over the area. His father had built a strong reputation over the years for his family, passing down his title and earnings to his son before he passed. Mingi had inherited his father's position as the new mafia boss but did not lack experience and a strong mindset. He was easily more intelligent than his father with double the physical strength and resilience. His grim aura even instilled fear in his men, and he continued to solidify the reputation of his powerful family. You and Mingi's families hadn't crossed paths often and had stayed out of each other's way, establishing a sort of unspoken truce. Therefore when Mingi had reached out to you for a sit-down, you were intrigued by his offer and wondered what this sudden meet-up could concern. The two of you had ended up in the upstairs VIP section of one of your nightclubs, sitting across from each other at a secluded table in the corner of the room.
"Ah, yes. What about the casino?" You questioned slyly, an impish smirk threatening to tug the corners of your mouth. Mingi's dark dragon eyes slightly narrowed at the question, his reaction almost unnoticeable making your chest swell with pride. "I'd like to make a deal for it." He answers simply, watching you swirl around the ice in your empty cup. Construction for the town's largest casino had begun a few weeks ago, and many families had their eye on it. Gambling was a popular activity, guaranteeing an easy cash grab to whichever family took over the construction first. You had planned on taking over knowing no one could overpower you, but were reconsidering due to Mingi's suggestion. It was unusual for someone like Song Mingi to ever propose a deal or ask for help, and knowing that you were the one to make him break fulfilled you. It was obvious who was the higher power between the two of you. You knew the effect you had on him and planned to abuse your power in every way possible.
"What will you be offering, Mr. Song?" You persisted, witnessing his gaze travel down to his untouched drink, avoiding your eyes. He cleared his throat, doing his best to swallow his pride. "Whatever you're willing to take," he muttered, almost inaudibly. You smiled evilly, feeling satisfied with his sudden transparency. You had never expected to have a man practically begging at your feet, let alone a respected mafia boss. "I'll offer whatever would please you," he mumbles reluctantly, reaching for his whiskey to take a small sip. "Drugs, weapons, goods, I don't mind any of it. Just tell me what you'd like." He rambles slightly, becoming flustered due to his abrupt proposal. You were unpredictable and he knew that, slowly beginning to regret his offers. He wondered if control over the casino was worth laying all his cards on the table for someone so dangerously incalculable. He set aside his doubts for now, remembering that control over the casino would be a large cash advantage for his family. He was smart enough to know who had the upper hand, and there was no going back now. The deal was already sealed.
"There's an alcohol shipment coming tomorrow that's scheduled to travel to a neighboring bar. Just pay off the truck driver and have it sent to this nightclub instead," you replied nonchalantly, tapping the side of your glass indifferently. Mingi looked up quickly to scan your expression, his stomach dropping as he attempted to hide his shock. That's it? Something was off, this was entirely too modest. There had to be some kind of catch, there was no possible way the city's most feared mafia boss would be satisfied with one truck's worth of alcohol. "You're smart enough to know that's not all I want," you started as he shifted subtly under your harsh stare. He mentally prepared himself for your games, knowing what you were about to offer him wasn't going to be simple.
"I wanna use you." You stated insouciantly, watching his eyes widen at your shamelessness. "I'm—I'm not sure I completely understand," he began carefully, waiting for you to continue. "Let me play with you and I'll let you have whatever you want, okay? I'll make sure of it," you assured, leaning in closer to the man sitting frozen across from you. He let your sultry tone fill his ears, feeling like prey being hunted by a predator. He almost couldn't believe what he was hearing. No amount of preparation could have ever prepared him for this. He could only ever imagine the plethora of things you were thinking about doing to him. Is everything a twisted game to her? He couldn't help but wonder. He felt sick hearing your end of the deal, but despite his shock he couldn't help the shameless twitch in his pants. Although you had twisted fantasies, Mingi's were just as perverted as yours. He scanned your form sitting across from him, leaning on your forearms as you clasped your glass in between your hands. He could see down your blazer dress, the pinstripes accentuating your curves and making him even more flustered than before. You rose unexpectedly from your seat, turning away from him and facing a long hallway. "Come with me," you commanded firmly, the sound of your stilettos clicking as you made your way through the hallway, motioning for him to follow. He stood immediately after, following behind and reaching up to loosen his tie, feeling his skin heating rapidly. You led him to a private room guarded by two of your men, one of them opening the door for you as you both stepped inside. Mingi's eyes traveled around the dimly lit room, almost flinching as he heard the door close behind him. The room was spacious, with three large couches surrounding a large coffee table in the center. End tables sat at the ends of the couches and there was a small bar in the far corner of the room. Faint red lighting shone through the coffered ceiling above.
You spun around without warning, reaching out to grab Mingi's tie and pulling him closer to you, your bodies almost pressing against each other. "Do we have a deal?" You inquired, eyes looking innocently into Mingi's. He couldn't tear himself from your gaze, watching the way the red lighting danced across the structure of your face, making you look almost otherworldly. He was fully hard now, unable to control the strong desire he felt in the pit of his stomach. Mingi nodded hesitantly, still captivated by your beauty. He had no idea what kind of tricks you might pull, but he was too far gone to refuse your offer. The thought of being used by someone that held so much power was thrilling to him. You pulled him closer, your bodies flush with each other as you leaned in and pressed small kisses onto his neck. You gripped his tie tighter, snaking your free hand down to palm at his erection. "If you change your mind, your word is whiskey, okay?" You mumbled against his skin lightly. "Alright," he sighed gently, his hands reaching around to rest lightly on your waist. You leaned up and pressed your lips against his for a heated kiss, leading him back towards one of the large couches. Your lips detached from his as you made him sit down, his back hitting the back of the couch as he watched you unbutton your dress slowly in front of him. You kicked your heels off, letting your dress hit the ground shortly after as you sat down on his lap, straddling him in only your matching black set of lingerie. Your hands traveled to the collar of his suit jacket, slowly dragging the fabric off of his shoulders and down his arms, discarding it carelessly onto the floor. He watched your every move, frozen in place as if he was caught in a trance. You leaned in and began showering his skin with pecks again, sucking harshly on his neck and eliciting a gasp from Mingi. You began loosening his tie, removing it as your skilled fingers worked to unbutton his shirt. You slid his shirt off and littered kisses down his chest and abdomen, sliding off his lap to unbuckle his belt and slide his pants down. His breath hitched as his pants pooled at his ankles, leaving him in only his boxers. He fidgeted above you, desperately wanting you to free his erection and use him to your liking. You reached for his tie that you had previously discarded, grabbing each of his wrists and placing a kiss on each of them before tying them together above his head. "Keep your hands there and let me make you feel good," you commanded quietly. Mingi nodded slightly, his eyes narrowed in desire. He never thought he would be in this position, wrapped around the fingers of a dangerous young woman in her nightclub's private room. He clenched his fists together as you slowly pulled down his boxers, the cold air hitting his length and making him flinch. A pearl of precum leaked from his tip as you lightly drug your nails up and down his inner thighs in a teasing manner. His heavy breathing only boosted your high ego as you leaned closer to give his length light kitten licks. You placed your hands on his thighs, holding him in place as you unexpectedly took all of him inside your mouth, not giving him time to adjust as you bobbed your head up and down quickly. Low grunts and choked moans slipped through Mingi's lips as he tried his best to hold them back. His body writhed under your hold, his length violently twitching in your mouth as you felt him getting closer to his climax. You gazed up at him, taking in the scene above you. His bonded hands remained above his head, mouth parted slightly in a poor attempt to catch his breath. The way your eyes met his with such an innocent look made him bite his lip, his head falling back onto the back of the couch and almost pushing him over the edge. His moans became louder as you swirled your tongue around his head. "S-Shit," he stuttered, his eyes rolling back as you removed your mouth from him before he could finish. You placed a kiss on his tip, making his body jolt slightly as you teased him. "I'm not gonna make this easy for you," you chuckled, dragging your nails along the skin of his inner thighs once again. "You're fun to play with." You mused, your signature smirk illuminated by the faint red lighting above. Mingi's eyes were full of lust as he witnessed you strip off your black lingerie, leaving you completely bare in front of him. His eyes traveled up and down your form uncontrollably as more precum oozed from his twitching erection. You rose to straddle him again, his tip touching your slit. You reached down to teasingly stroke him, showering his cheeks and neck with sweet kisses. Small whimpers escaped his throat as you slid down completely onto him, letting out a lewd moan next to his ear. You grabbed his fastened wrists and slid his arms down so you were between them, letting his hands rest on your back. Sweat trickled down his gorgeous face as you circled your hips slowly, savoring the feeling of him stretching you out. He inhaled the scent of your sweet citrus perfume, letting himself become intoxicated and fall apart underneath you. "I never thought you'd be like this, Mingi," you cooed seductively, letting him lean in to rest his head in the crook of your neck and take in your inviting scent. "You're always so serious. I would've never guessed your reactions would be so cute," you grinned, lifting your hips and steadily lowering them down onto his length to envelop him fully again. Your teasing pace caused him to let out a deep moan, attaching his lips to your neck to suck pretty marks onto your skin. You increased your pace, loving the heavenly noises coming from him. "More fun when you give in, isn't it?" You uttered smugly, feeling proud that you could make someone so stern and forbidding fall apart this way. He nodded into your neck, still letting out small moans and grunts as you pleased him. You bounced harshly on his member, the sudden change in speed almost sending Mingi over the edge. "S-Slow down, I'm close," he warned, moaning into your skin.
"That's the point, princess," you panted, not once ceasing your movements. "It feels nice to use my little toy like this," you confessed shamelessly. "Can't believe you're getting off to me degrading you and using you as a plaything. How cute~" You reached a hand to his chest to rub circles onto his nipple with your thumb, making him mewl loudly. You rolled the sensitive bud between your index and thumb, a small yelp escaping his throat as he twitched uncontrollably inside of you. Mingi couldn't take much more of this overwhelming pleasure, feeling like his soul was about to leave his body. "Fuck, it—it's too much," He moaned sinfully, beginning to beg for his release. "P-Please, can I cum?" He asks shakily, trying his best to not finish without your permission. You leaned in to bite the shell of his ear, amused by his weak pleading voice. "You're such a well-behaved toy," you whispered sweetly, the sounds of your sweaty skin colliding filling the room completely. "Cum with me~"
You felt your walls tightening, clenching uncontrollably around his pulsating member as your orgasm enveloped you. He was filling you up perfectly, hitting your sweet spot ruthlessly every time you sank down onto his length. His hips pounded upwards into you, your filthy moans fueling him and bringing him to his climax. He pumped you full of his release, feeling your warmth squeezing his member harshly and completely milking him. Your chests rose and fell quickly as you attempted to recover from your powerful releases. His cute whimpers were like music to your ears, reaching to untie his hands and run your fingers through his hair. You let him cling to you, his member still buried inside of your core. "I like you better like this," you teased mischievously as he let out a breathy chuckle. "I'm—I'm glad we could come to an agreement," he stammers, still holding you close. You snorted, finding his attempted formality entertaining. You placed a chaste kiss onto his neck, making his cheeks flush a bright shade of red. "I hope we can play again sometime, Mr. Song~"

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