irresistible • jung wooyoung

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ir·re·sist· I ·ble/ˌi(r)rəˈzistəb(ə)l/too attractive and tempting to be resisted

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ir·re·sist· I ·ble
too attractive and tempting to be resisted.

SWITCH!Reader + SWITCH!Wooyoung
WARNINGS: orgasm denial, slight degradation, teasing, groping, hair pulling, biting, oral (m. receiving), marking, multiple orgasms, pet names/nicknames, overstimulation, dry humping

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He was driving you insane.
Just as you were about to regain focus on your surplus of work emails, your beloved boyfriend would appear behind you yet again, groping, caressing, feeling every inch of your skin from behind your desk chair. He had been teasing you all night, not letting you avert your attention from him for even a second. You tried your best to shoo him away to no avail. Your protests meant nothing to him, he found amusement in getting you worked up. "Wooyoung please, I really need to f-finish this work," you mumbled as he gathered your hair and moved it to one side, beginning to press wet kisses on the exposed part of your neck. "What's wrong, precious? Don't let me distract you," he purrs, sensually rubbing his hands up and down your arms. His touch gave you goosebumps, and he smirked knowing the effect he had on you. You felt your skin heating, slightly rubbing your thighs together for some relief. You felt your arousal pooling out of your entrance. "C'mon baby, keep working~" He teases. You could practically hear him grinning, reaching your hands to your keyboard to begin typing once again with shaking hands. His kisses were making your thoughts fuzzy, eyes almost rolling into the back of your head from the slight touch. He reached his hand around your chair to squish and rub your thigh, making you snap. You had had enough of his distractions, and you were determined to teach him a lesson. You stood up without warning, whipping around to face him and grabbing him by his shirt collar. "Jung Wooyoung, I'm sick of your teasing."
He looked at you with widened eyes as you spun him around and pushed him to sit in your chair. You straddled his lap and ran your fingers slowly through his hair, lips approaching his ear. "Now it's your turn." You whispered threateningly, nipping at the shell of his ear. He whimpered under you, finally getting the attention he wanted from you for hours. He snaked his hands around you to grip your waist. Before he could lay a finger on you, you smacked his hands away.
"No touching. You've done enough of that while I was supposed to be working, you little brat. Keep your hands down." You spoke sternly. He obeyed immediately, placing his hands on the arms of the chair. You scoffed at his sudden obedience, yanking his hair and sucking harshly on his neck. You quickly pulled his shirt over his head, exposing his toned chest. "God, you're such a brat sometimes, but I can't keep my hands off you. You're irresistible," you mumbled into his skin. You slowly circled your hips onto his boner, giving you both some relief. He whined loudly, trying not to buck his hips upward into your clothed core. Your chest was pressed against his, and you could feel his heart beating rapidly. "Please let me touch," he pleaded, his whiny voice music to your ears. You were finally giving him a taste of his own medicine. "I'll be good, I really need you! Wanna feel you..."
You ignored him, chuckling darkly at his pathetic pleads. You pressed your hips down with more force, grinding harder onto his half-clothed body and moaning quietly in his ear to provoke him further. "Baby, please," he cried. "I want you so bad. I've wanted you all day. Please don't tease anymore." You yanked his hair again, harder this time, bringing a moan from his lips.
"You should have fucking thought about that before you teased me first, precious." You seethed. His begging continued, your chest filling with pride knowing you could make him this needy.  You slid off his lap onto the floor, taking a moment to look up at him. He was a flushed mess, his forehead covered in beads of sweat, his lips slightly parted, chest rising and falling quickly in a poor attempt to catch his breath. His eyes met your own, giving you a look of pure lust. He looked ethereal.
Your hands reached up to teasingly play with the strings of his sweatpants, keeping his gaze and slowly untying the perfect knot. His breath hitched as you pulled them down along with his boxers, his dick springing free. You gave his tip light kitten licks, his hips bucking up at the sudden pleasure. He let out the lewdest moans you've ever heard, his face contorting in pleasure. A small pearl of precum leaked from his tip, making you giggle.
"Ah, baby, I've barely touched you and you're already cumming?" You taunted. He moaned loudly and flinched as you kissed his tip, a string of the sweet liquid connecting your lips and his length. You wrapped your hands around him, pumping him up and down painfully slowly. You then attached your lips, taking his head into your wet cavern. His legs began shaking violently, his filthy sounds reverberating around the room. His hands clenched into fists and unclenched over and over again, trying their best to stay in place like you had asked him. Your head bobbed up and down as your hands twisted around his dick, overwhelming Wooyoung with pleasure. "Please—f-fuck, I'm gonna cum," he whimpers as you feel his dick twitching in your mouth. At his words you removed your mouth, barely stroking him and denying his orgasm. He cried out in pain and pleasure, his head falling backward. "Fuck, please don't stop! I need you so bad, I need to cum," he wailed, his dick throbbing in your hands. "Your warm..."
You smiled evilly. "You won't tease me anymore, will you precious?" You questioned, stopping your strokes and waiting for an answer.
"I won't, I won't I promise! Please, you feel so good around me! God, I need you..." He trails, rambling. Your hands continue to stroke him again, this time faster. "You're right, I am your god. Such a fucking slut." You degraded. He whimpered loudly, the degradation seeming to turn him on even more. You placed your hands on his knees, taking his entire length into your mouth and sucking harshly. The feeling of your warm mouth around his angry erection and the wet sounds of you sucking him off quickly brought him closer to his high. He writhed under you, the sight of you with his dick down your throat driving him completely insane. "Fuck, I'm close!" He warned, praying you would let him finish. You removed your mouth from him only to bring both of your hands to stroke him quickly, finally uttering the words he so desperately needed to hear. "Cum for me~"
Not even seconds after Wooyoung was given permission, he had released all over your hands and his abdomen with a loud groan, his hot seed painting his surroundings like a canvas. You continued stroking him as he let out sweet moans, helping him ride out his orgasm. After he had calmed down, you began licking up and down his semi-hard dick, overstimulating him. "Oh—God, fuck baby~!" He mewled as you licked the cum off of his length, his body shaking and hastily approaching another orgasm. You could hear his fingernails scratching at the arms of the chair, he was feeling so good because of you. You engulfed him once more as he throbbed in your mouth and released a second time from the overstimulation. He released high-pitched moans and cries as you swallowed his second load, removing your mouth with a pop. He slumped into the chair, breathing heavily as sweat trickled down his gorgeous face. You rose to sit on his lap again, gently cupping his face and planting a small kiss on his cheek. "I'm really sorry, Woo, was I too hard on you?" You questioned worriedly, feeling guilty. He let out a shaky laugh, arms wrapping around you and holding you close. "God, no. I felt so good because of you, please don't apologize," he breathed, chest still heaving. His body was slightly trembling from the two powerful orgasms you gave him. "I didn't expect you to dominate me like that," he admits, making your cheeks heat in embarrassment. "I liked it." He grinned, rubbing your back soothingly. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, cheeks heating up even more.
"But next time," he continued. "I'm taking control, baby."

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