covetous • kim hongjoong

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cov·et·ous/ˈkəvədəs/having or showing a great desire to possess something belonging to someone else

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having or showing a great desire to possess something belonging to someone else.

SUB!Reader + DOM!Hongjoong
WARNINGS: marking, jealous sex, creampie, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, pet names/nicknames, making out, slight choking, sexual tension, biting, possessiveness

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Being the CEO of his company, Hongjoong has always kept a strict demeanor while at work. He was always very quiet, not speaking much to his employees unless one of them had made a mistake, causing him to slightly lose his temper. He was a kind man, but the power he held instilled an uneasiness among many. A number of his employees feared him, including you. Hongjoong had hired you a few months ago, he admired your intelligence and obedience and assigned you to be his secretary. These weren't the only qualities that convinced him to hire you, your beautiful face and alluring body had caught his eye more times than he could count. The tight pencil skirts you wore hugged your curves perfectly, and your innocent button-up blouses would always fit snugly around your cleavage, leaving little to the imagination. Seeing that every day would make work much more bearable for him.
On top of that, despite being a bit timid, you were always very kind to him and went out of your way to impress him. Whether it was bringing him a coffee in the morning without him asking or taking the time to carefully reorganize all of his important files, you always found ways to amaze him and ultimately made his days at work better. You always spoke in the sweetest tone to him, he could listen to your soothing voice for hours. Your selflessness had always been his favorite characteristic of yours. Your thoughtfulness and sweet nature never failed to bring him comfort, and there were often times when he longed to have you by his side as he worked. He had grown very attached to you over the last few months, although he never mentioned it to anyone. You were like a walking angel to him. He often thought about your gorgeous smile throughout the day, and you had fueled his perverted fantasies more than once when he was alone in his bed at night...
Little did Hongjoong know, you had felt the same way about him. Since the day you met him you were attracted to his strong aura, the way he carried himself inspired you greatly. His kindness towards you had made you fall for him even more, and you could have sworn his handsome face had put you in a trance. Thoughts of him shamelessly danced around your mind, and your heart would thump ruthlessly in your chest every time you were around him. Despite having feelings for him, you deemed such a relationship between a CEO and a mere subordinate inappropriate and did your best to control your emotions.
Hongjoong desperately wanted you all to himself, but there were many other men that would love to win your heart. He had witnessed his employees constantly approaching you for weeks, which infuriated him greatly. You were his secretary. These lowly men had no place speaking to his secretary. He hated sharing, and he hated seeing others trying to take what was his. He loved you too much to let anyone else have your attention. He selfishly wanted all of it to himself. Although many of your coworkers had attempted to flirt with you, you politely turned them down and continued focusing on pleasing your boss.
You sat quietly at your desk, busily working to create Hongjoong's schedule for the week. You saw from your peripheral a tall figure appearing at the corner of your desk, and glancing up you recognized it to be your coworker, Hyun Iseul. Iseul had been flirting with you for weeks, refusing to leave you alone until you went out with him. You had tried to politely decline multiple times, of course to no avail. "Hey there, gorgeous," Iseul smirked, placing his hands on the edge of your desk. You took a deep breath, faking a smile. "How may I help you?" You asked, flatly. "C'mon, you know what I want, doll. Have dinner with me," he insisted, leaning in closer to your face. "I don't have much time for slacking off right now, I'm completing Mr. Kim's schedule for the week. I apologize," you responded, eyes leaving him to move back to your computer. Before you could begin typing again, you felt his hand grab your wrist tightly, leaving only a foot of space between your faces. His grip was firm, not giving you any space to wiggle your wrist free. "It wasn't a request," he fumed. "Just do what I say and we won't have a problem."
"Hyun Iseul, get your dirty fucking hands off my secretary." A voice boomed from behind him.
Iseul whipped his head around, making eye contact with a furious-looking Hongjoong. He released your hand immediately, turning towards him and bowing apologetically. "Ah, I'm sorry sir. My mistake," he blabbered. Hongjoong's glare was burning holes through his skin, his jaw clenched out of pure rage. "Touch my secretary again and you'll be finding a new job, got it? Get back to your fucking office," Hongjoong seethed. Iseul nodded quickly, afraid he would lose his position in the company. "Y-Yes sir," he shuddered, bowing once more and speed walking back to his office. Hongjoong turned to you, his gaze softening at the sight of you but still a bit tensed. You rubbed your sore wrist with your other hand, trying to ease the pain. You smiled at him gratefully. "Thank you so much, sir—" You started, preparing to apologize. Before you could finish, Hongjoong interrupted. "Meet me in my office," he demanded. "Now."
You rose immediately, afraid you had upset him. You hastily walked down the hallway to his office, hearing his footsteps follow close behind. You entered his spacious office and stood in front of his desk, hearing him close the door and lock it behind you, the click of the lock sending a chill down your spine. He walked towards you and stood behind you, only about three steps away. You clasped your trembling hands together in front of you, trying to keep steady breaths. The smell of his erotic cologne filled your nose as you struggled to stand still.
"You know you're mine, right?" He questions intently, catching you off guard. His? You wondered what he had meant by that, your mind couldn't help but fantasize about the meaning of his words. Your heart pounded, racking your brain and trying to find the words to respond as he continued. "You're my secretary. You work under me only. You know that, right?" He asked firmly, taking a step closer to you. You felt a blush creeping onto your cheeks. "Y-Yes sir," you answered shakily, doing your best to keep your composure. You had never been this close to him, and your weak heart could hardly take it. "Good," he muttered, reaching his hand to tuck a few loose strands from your messy bun behind your ear. You stiffened at the action. You longed for more of his touch, his gentle hands making your stomach do flips inside your abdomen. "God, I can't believe he fucking grabbed you like that," he grumbled to himself. "I should have fired him right then." He leaned his head closer to your exposed neck, stopping before he touched your skin. His breath sent tickles down your whole body, and you prayed he would finally touch you the way you wanted him to. "Is this okay?" He whispers into your neck. You nodded quickly, almost positive he could hear your heart beating from where he stood behind you. "I need to hear you say it, beautiful," he cooed lovingly. His body was so close to yours, practically begging to press itself against the back of yours. "Yes, sir!" You sighed, giving him consent. That's all he needed to hear before he closed the small space between your bodies and began pressing little kisses onto your exposed neck. He held you by your waist with his large hands, pulling your form to be flush against his. He started to suck and bite your flesh, leaving behind sweet marks.
"For months I've watched these lowlifes try to take you away from me. But you never paid them any attention," he mused, speaking between pecks.
"You always stay such late hours, never leaving until after I do, and you always do things that no one else has ever done for me before. You're so loyal to me and it drives me crazy. Such a sweet girl, I don't want anyone else to have you. I see the way you look at me. That's why I'm claiming you now," he declared. You nearly moaned at his words, your hands reaching to place themselves on top of his that were still settled onto your waist. You loved the way he made you feel, your arousal already leaking into your panties despite him hardly touching you. "Fuck, I want you to be mine. My secretary, my girl, my angel..." He murmurs, feeling himself slowly becoming corrupted with only thoughts of you. The mind-numbing sensation of his gentle bites onto your neck made only one phrase fill your mind.
"I-I love you!" You exclaimed, causing Hongjoong to detach his lips from your neck.
"You love me?" He repeated, almost not believing the words he just heard. "Y-Yes sir, I love you so much..." You trailed softly, leaning into his body. He removed a hand from your waist, snaking it around and firmly grasping your throat. "Fuck, hearing you say that does things to me," he groans, sinking his teeth into your skin once more, harder this time. "I love you more, my angel~"
You felt his erection poking you from behind, arousing you further. You wanted so desperately to feel him. He spun you around to face him, locking your lips with his and kissing you feverishly. You kissed back with just as much passion, your hands resting on his chest delicately. He guided you backward, not once breaking the kiss. Your lower back hit the edge of his desk, and you felt him pull away to catch his breath as he rested his forehead on yours. His eyes scanned your features, wanting to savor this moment.
"Strip for me, angel. I wanna see your beautiful body under mine," he coaxed.
You obeyed, quickly unbuttoning your blouse and slipping out of your tight skirt. He watched your every move as you shyly removed your white lace lingerie, laying your naked body on top of his desk. You felt so exposed, but you loved the feeling of being overpowered by him. You watched him with wide eyes as he undressed in front of you, tossing his shirt somewhere on the floor and unbuckling his belt, letting his pants and boxers pool around his ankles. You whimpered at the sight of his length, painfully erect and leaking precum. He leaned onto the desk over you, holding his weight with his forearms and kissing you passionately. "Gonna make you feel so good, angel," he reassured. "Good girls like you deserve a good fuck."
You wrapped your legs around him as he placed his tip at your entrance, slowly pushing in and drawing heavy sighs from the both of you. You moaned when you felt him bottom out, shutting your eyes tightly from the painful stretch. Hongjoong showered your face with small kisses, trying to distract you from the sting and letting you adjust to his size. "Is this okay? Are you okay?" Hongjoong asked, worried he was badly hurting you or making you uncomfortable. "I-I'm okay sir, p-please move," you pleaded desperately, wrapping your legs tighter around him. He began with steady strokes, both of you enjoying the feeling of finally being so close to each other. His slow fucking felt heavenly, causing you to moan loudly as his hips sensually rutted into you. He had buried his face between your neck and shoulder, groaning softly resulting in you uncontrollably clenching around him. This passionate pace felt euphoric, but you both found yourselves wanting more.
"S-Sir, faster please," you whined. That was all you needed to say before he flipped you over, pressing your front down against the cold wood of his desk. He began thrusting roughly, eliciting loud moans and whimpers from you. He pressed his chest flush against your back, his loud grunts and moans reaching your ears as he pounded into you. You felt so good around him, he felt himself getting lost in the pleasure. "You're so beautiful, you really are an angel you know that?" He growled, licking a stripe up your back to your shoulder. You tried your best to respond, but the only sounds that escaped your mouth were filthy moans. He loved the way you fell apart under him, he had been envisioning this moment ever since he fell for you.
"God, I can't believe that asshole touched my girl," Hongjoong hissed angrily to himself. "I'm never letting these disgusting pigs near my girl again." You gasped, feeling him grab a handful of your ass. He was hitting your sweet spot with every harsh thrust, bringing you closer and closer to your high. "Gonna fill you up so everyone knows you're mine. I want you to have my children—fuck, you're so tight," he moaned. His dirty confessions tipped you over the edge, your orgasm almost enveloping you as you warned him. "S-Sir, 'm gonna cum!" You cried, your body shaking uncontrollably.
"Cum for me, angel. Let me fuck you full," he encourages, biting the shell of your ear. With his permission, you released onto him, broken moans leaving your mouth as your eyes rolled back in pleasure. His strokes became sloppy, his own high approaching rapidly. A few more hard thrusts led to him spilling inside of you, fucking you full of his warm seed and groaning a loud "Fuck!" You both panted heavily, as he held your hips firmly and slowly pulled out of you. He watched admiringly as his release spilled out of you, dripping from your heat. He placed a few messy kisses onto your exposed back and reached across his desk to grab some tissues, cleaning you carefully. He picked you up bridal style, your hands weakly wrapping around his neck as he brought you to the couch on the far end of his office. He held your trembling body in his arms as he studied your beautiful face, your innocent doe eyes gazing up at him making him fall for you all over again. "I'm sorry if I was too hard on you, angel," he apologizes, one hand cupping your face. "Y-You made me feel really good," you stuttered, the sight of your still bare bodies causing you to blush in embarrassment. He chuckled softly at your red face, sweetly pecking your lips.
"Do you want to be with me?" He blurted randomly, your cute expression distracting him and making his mouth move faster than his mind. Your face turned even redder at the question, nodding quickly and burying your face into his chest. He grinned widely, pulling you even closer to him. "I'd love to take you on a date tomorrow if that's okay. I promise I'll make it the best date you've ever been on," he rambled, so excited to finally have the girl he's always wanted. You smiled shyly into his skin, loving this new side of your once intimidating boss.

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