ameliorate • park seonghwa

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a·me·lio·rate/əˈmēlyəˌrāt/make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better

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make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better.

SUB!Reader + DOM!Seonghwa
WARNINGS: unprotected sex, drinking, slight angst, make-up, creampie, marking, possessive sex (?), usage of (y/n), pet names/nicknames, bondage

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You took a long sip of your peach vodka, the alcohol sending burning sensations down your throat as you listened to the thundering bass from the club speakers. This loud and crowded environment wasn't your type, but you needed a distraction from your recent heartbreak.
Park Seonghwa was the perfect boyfriend, everything about him you were in love with. He was kind and caring, always patient and understanding with you. He loved spending time with you and would often stop by your apartment for surprise visits, bringing you flowers and your favorite snacks. He was with you through thick and thin, you experienced everything with him. You cried with him, laughed with him, you even had your first time with him. He was your everything. Despite him being flawless, you still had your doubts. Your insecurities would often consume you, you felt like you were a burden to him and that eventually led to you breaking up with him. You had come to his apartment to break it off, leaving with a simple "It's best if we're not together." You had turned away before you could see the pained look on his face, and he watched you leave without once turning back. Although you were cold to him, you sobbed uncontrollably as soon as you returned to your empty apartment. You loved him so much, but you felt you had to set him free. You wanted him to be happy, but you couldn't understand that he was happy with you and only you.
You had been miserable for weeks, so you decided to come to the club's bar and attempt to drown your sorrows in alcohol. Little did you know, Seonghwa had gone to the same club for the exact same reason.
When you left, Seonghwa was devastated. He still remembered everything about that day when you walked out of his apartment for the last time. He tortured himself thinking it was his fault, he thought he wasn't enough for you. You were perfect to him, and he couldn't help but wonder if he had hurt you or taken you for granted. He would cry every day, wishing you would come back and give him a second chance. He thought about you constantly and tried his best to distract himself from the pain with a change of atmosphere.
He sat alone at a table across from the bar, the booming music filling his ears. His eyes scanned the club, unintentionally landing on you sitting by yourself at the bar. His eyes widened and his heart began pounding as soon as he saw you, the memories of that day flooding back. He wanted to look away from you, but your beauty had captivated him yet again just like the day he first met you. Feeling a pair of eyes on you, you looked up from your drink only to meet the eyes of Seonghwa staring at you widely. Your stomach dropped when you saw him, looking away immediately and trying your best to keep your face emotionless. A swarm of butterflies relentlessly attacked your insides, your feelings for him resurfacing at a rapid rate.
As soon as Seonghwa saw your eyes dart away from his own and back to your drink, he stood from his seat and hastily made his way to the bar. You felt him standing next to you, trying your hardest to ignore it. "Hi," he smiled timidly, his mind going blank and struggling to find the words to say to you. You kept your eyes down, not once turning to look at him. "Hi, Seonghwa." You responded coldly, taking another swig of your drink.
"Can I drink with you?" He asks shyly, sitting next to you and studying your face. You nodded silently, his presence not at all helping your current state. You tried your best to forget about him and the things you felt for him, waving your hand to get the bartender's attention and ordering a round of shots for yourself.
Seonghwa watched in horror as you downed shot after shot and slowly began to succumb to the alcohol. He had only one drink, while you were on your fourth tequila shot of the night. He witnessed you drunkenly swaying in your seat, flagging down the poor bartender for the umpteenth time tonight, starting to order another shot. Before you could order, Seonghwa stopped the bartender, causing you to protest. "C'mon, Hwaaa," you slurred, as Seonghwa flinched at the old nickname. "I'm not done drinking yet~" Your words blended together as you hiccuped.
"I don't think you should drink anymore, (Y/N). I can take you home," he suggests. You scoffed, rising from your seat and almost losing your balance. "Fuck you," you mumbled groggily. "I'll walk home myself." Your feet stumbled over each other as you struggled to find your footing, taking drunken strides towards the exit. You felt a hand on your waist as Seonghwa led you to the doors. You blushed at the sudden contact. "I'll bring you home," he soothes, helping guide you to the parking lot.

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