vacillation • choi jongho

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vac·il·la·tion/ˌvasəˈlāSH(ə)n/the inability to decide between different opinions or actions; indecision

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the inability to decide between different opinions or actions; indecision.

SUB!Reader + DOM!Jongho
WARNINGS: semi-public sex, rough/angry sex, hair pulling, unprotected sex, creampie, katoptronophilia (mirror sex), usage of (y/n), degradation, biting, clit play, marking, spanking, reconciliation, overstimulation

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"Fix your form, (Y/N)."
You bit back a sly remark and continued practicing, blocking out his scolds.
You hated your dance partner, Jongho. You had been working together for two months now and meeting for dance practices multiple times a week. He was quiet and cold, never speaking to you unless it was to point out the slightest mistake or correct your form. Your stiff-necked personality did not match well with his, sometimes snapping back when he tried to correct you. The both of you were very stubborn, never backing down when the other would start an argument. It seemed you could never impress him. He would make these practices hell for you, neither of you agreed on anything and would end up bickering almost every meeting. Both of you always left the practice room pent up with frustration and irritation. He was very headstrong just as you were, but this wasn't the only reason why you hated him.
You hated how attractive he was, detested how he would make your heart race rapidly, and loathed the way his touches heated your skin more than the fast-paced choreography. Every time his large hands came in contact with your body, you couldn't help but secretly wish to feel more. The way his muscles rippled as he moved gracefully mesmerized you, and the way his shirt would cling to his sweat-covered form made your knees weak. You had always felt this way about him, ever since you met him and had become his dance partner. But when you two began to clash, you were determined to bury your feelings and shut out any unholy thoughts about him. You knew you wanted him but would never even consider admitting it, your pride getting the best of you. You wouldn't let him win this one-sided game you were playing.
"Are you even listening to me, (Y/N)? I said fix your form," Jongho spoke up, sounding annoyed. You made eye contact in the studio mirror, rolling your eyes at him and ignoring his glare. He turned away from you, ignoring your childish behavior. "Fuck off, Jongho." You snapped suddenly, causing him to whip back around and face you, your back still facing him. "What did you say?" He questioned warningly, his anger slowly boiling inside him. You had never said anything this bold to him and had crossed the line.
"I said. Fuck. Off." You lashed out through clenched teeth, bitterly spitting each word. You heard him loudly exhale through his nose, irritated with you. "Fix your attitude too, or I'll fix it for you." He retaliated, amused by your daring comments. You sighed loudly, crossing your arms across your chest. "God, I fucking hate you sometimes," you muttered, your brows furrowing in annoyance. Without warning, you felt Jongho's arm wrap tightly around your waist, his other hand snaking up and gripping your throat, choking you slightly and eliciting a small whimper from you. You hadn't even heard him approach you or noticed him stepping closer to you in the mirror. "You hate me, huh?" He pressed, his lips nearing your ear and sending a chill down your body. You were shocked by his sudden action, the feeling of his arm around your waist and his free hand giving your throat a beautiful necklace turning you on. Jongho had never acted like this before or touched you unless it was for the choreography, but you weren't complaining. "Y-Yes," you stumbled, silently cursing yourself for stuttering. He chuckled darkly at the sound of your stutters, pulling your body closer so you were flush against him. "Say it again," he urged lowly, getting closer and nipping at the shell of your ear. You tried your hardest to form a sentence, to tell him that you hated him, but despite your best efforts no words left your mouth. The only sounds that escaped from you were tiny whimpers that you were trying your best to hold back. You felt him press his clothed bulge against your backside, making your eyes widen. He chuckled again at your flustered state, biting and sucking at your neck. "That's what I thought," he scoffed coldly. "You need to be taught a fucking lesson." He spun you around to face him, pushing your back up against the studio mirror and pressing his lips heatedly against yours. You were caught off guard by the sudden action but quickly regained composure and kissed back, the both of you reaching for each other's clothes to scatter them across the wood floor. Your kisses were messy, the both of you clashing teeth as your tongues explored each other's mouths feverishly. You undressed each other hastily, the frustration building up inside of you. Part of you almost couldn't believe this was happening, you were finally feeling his lips on your own after dreaming about this for weeks. He left bites on your bare shoulders, turning you around once again and pulling you back against his toned chest, yanking your hair back and forcing you to make eye contact with your reflection in the large mirror. "Look at yourself," he smiled mockingly. "Looking so fucked out already and I haven't even done anything to you yet. Pathetic."
You scanned your face which was flushed a bright red, lips swollen from his kisses and your exposed skin littered with bite marks and hickeys. Your arousal was dripping down your thighs, making Jongho groan at the sight. You felt his tip poking at your entrance, making you whine and bring your hips back in an attempt to feel more of him. He smacked your ass harshly in response, causing you to let out a loud yelp as he buried his length into your core, bottoming out in one thrust. You moaned at the painfully pleasurable stretch, your walls tightening around his pulsating length. He filled you completely, reaching places your fingers could never reach on their own. He gave you a few seconds to adjust to his size before ramming into you, fucking you roughly as his hand remained tangled in your hair, teeth sinking into your exposed neck again. His other arm was wrapped around your waist, holding you still as he thrusted aggressively. You couldn't hold back your lewd moans, you could feel every vein of his erection rubbing against your walls and making you see stars. You should be hating every second of this, but you loved it. Both of your pent-up frustrations were finally being released as you used each other for pleasure. You loved how full you felt because of him, loved the way his body looked behind yours in the mirror. He reached down to your heat, starting to rub slow circles over your bundle of nerves. The fast strokes in contrast to the slow motion of his fingers elicited a loud cry from you. "You've been such a brat recently, (Y/N). Always cussing and rolling your eyes at me. I've dealt with this for so long," he hissed, his pace never faltering. "Can't say I don't enjoy it though. Makes it more fun when I fuck the brat out of you." He smirked evilly, breathing heavily as beads of sweat formed on his brow. The sight of him fucking you in front of the mirror nearly tipped you over the edge, your release building up quickly. Your eyes rolled back, angering Jongho and causing him to remove his hand from your clit and use it to yank your hair again, your head falling back onto his shoulder. "Keep your eyes on that mirror or I'll stop everything I'm doing," he warned, the reflection of his length pounding in and out of your heat making you mewl. "Watch me fuck you dumb."
You couldn't hold back anymore, your climax threatened to overpower you as he repeatedly slammed into your sweet spot. Jongho was close too, his moans and grunts bringing you to the edge.
"Cum. Let it out, (Y/N)." He commanded, giving you permission to release. A few more harsh strokes from him caused you to release, your orgasm hitting you like a train. The pleasure was overwhelming, your body falling limp in his arms. You would have fallen to the floor if Jongho hadn't held you up, fucking you like a toy and chasing his climax. The overstimulation was so painfully pleasureful, moans and broken cries spilling out of you as he fucked you full. He released inside of you with a loud groan, his length twitching as you felt him spill inside you. The sounds of groans and heavy breaths filled the room as you both calmed down from your highs. You both sunk to the floor, laying down and trying to catch your breath. He held you close as you nuzzled into his neck, your bodies drenched in sweat. He laughed at your sudden behavior change, holding your trembling body and drawing small circles on your sides with his thumb to calm you down. "Gonna be nice to me now?" He teased, breathing deeply. You responded with a small hmph, resting your hands on his chest.
"I never hated you," he began slowly after a long silence. "You're an amazing dancer. I just get stressed sometimes." You blushed at his words, not knowing how to answer. "Yeah, I guess I never hated you either," you answered stubbornly into his neck. He chuckled lightly, kissing the top of your head and making you blush harder. "I know," he declared smugly, a cute prideful smile on his face. "I just had to teach you a lesson."

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