── ·𖥸· ──

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hi y'all : )
i'm trying to make good use of my time, i only have 4 stories left to rewrite so i'm doing okay so far
it's really not as bad as i thought, i just need to channel motivation and be positive about it so i can finish without issues
i just like keep telling myself that when this is over i'll be able to write normally again and come up with new stories, so it will get better soon and it's making it a lot easier 🙏🏽
but yes !
i wrote this imagine based on a post on instagram, i can't find which account it was and i think it might have been deleted but
it was basically a thread about what ateez would be like if they were forced into submission (not forced ofc but you know what i mean) and this person wrote yeosang as a masochist, and it honestly never left my mind since i read it
he also seems a bit shy at times to me so i decided to write his character this way
like literally what's more attractive than a shy masochist
imagine finding out that a sweet quiet boy is into something so nasty like
idk dude that might be just me but it's just so attractive
switch brain is exploding rn 🤭 anyway
but yes little yeosang is so prettyyy
i love him sm so precious

hi y'all : )i'm trying to make good use of my time, i only have 4 stories left to rewrite so i'm doing okay so far it's really not as bad as i thought, i just need to channel motivation and be positive about it so i can finish without issuesi just...

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deja vu yeosang n rocky yeosang are gripping me rni do not appreciate it please stopbut anyway yes !ty for the support y'allhongjoong imagine next ! : )

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deja vu yeosang n rocky yeosang are gripping me rn
i do not appreciate it please stop
but anyway yes !
ty for the support y'all
hongjoong imagine next ! : )

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