masochist • kang yeosang

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mas·och·ist/ˈmazəkəst,ˈmasəkəst/a person who derives sexual gratification from their own pain or humiliation

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a person who derives sexual gratification from their own pain or humiliation.

SWITCH!Reader + SWITCH!Yeosang
WARNINGS: masochism, unprotected sex, biting, scratching, hair pulling, riding, degradation, creampie, pet names/nicknames, marking, dry humping, dirty talk (?)

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You let out a heavy sigh as you sank onto the couch next to your boyfriend Yeosang. He would always wait for you in the living room, anticipating the moment he would get to see your beautiful face again. You loved to spend time with him after a long shift at your job.
"Hi," he smiled shyly. "Rough day at work?" You hummed in response, laying your head on his lap. "I missed you today, Yeosangie." You muttered, reaching for his hand to interlock your fingers with his. He blushed at the sudden contact. Yeosang's bashfulness wasn't new to you, he would often get shy when he was around you. His behavior has remained the same since the day you first met, with him sometimes stuttering and avoiding your eyes while talking to you, or his face turning a bright shade of pink when you touched him. You began placing small pecks on each of his fingertips, the slight skinship causing him to fidget under you. Slight touches from you would make Yeosang very needy, but his shy nature always prevented him from vocalizing his needs and desires. You knew this already, making it a habit to tease him in hopes that one day he would finally snap and confess to you. You wanted him under you, wanted to hear his lewd whimpers as you pleasured him. Tonight was no different. With the same goal of breaking him, you sat up and straddled his lap, wrapping your arms around him and burying your face in the crook of his neck. You could feel his heart beating rapidly against your chest, as well as his boner poking through his sweats. You began softly kissing his neck as he struggled to hold back his whimpers. You drove him crazy, every part of you was perfect to him. Your laugh, your scent, your beautiful face, everything about you consumed Yeosang's thoughts constantly. Your marks and scars were all gorgeous to him, he wanted to lay you down and kiss every inch of your body for hours but he was too shy to even mention these things to you. He's fantasized about doing so many unholy things to your body but has never spoken any of his thoughts out loud before.
"Prince," you began, fingers tangling themselves in his velvety soft hair. "Why do you always restrain yourself? I know you want to touch me."
He gasped quietly at your words. How does she know? He wondered, his heart pounding even faster. He was sure it would flutter out of his chest. "I see the way you look at me," you started, continuing to press sweet kisses onto his perfect skin. "The way your heart pounds when you're near me, and the way your skin heats up when I touch you. You're not very good at hiding it~" You cooed, sucking onto his skin and leaving stunning marks on his neck and collarbones. He let a small whine slip, his arms slowly raising to wrap around you. He loved the way your body felt on top of his. Lust taking over you, you detached your lips from his neck and sank your teeth harshly into his shoulder, eliciting the most pornographic moan from Yeosang. Scared you had hurt him, you removed your mouth immediately, looking at him worriedly. "Yeosang, baby, I'm sorry, did I hurt you? I didn't mean—"
"Please, god, do that again, bite me harder." He interrupted, his erection growing even bigger underneath you. Your eyes widened, wondering if you heard him correctly. "Harder?" You questioned, still shocked by his abrupt request. He nodded slightly in response, barely mumbling. "Felt so good, please do it again..."He muttered quietly, grinding his crotch upwards against your clothed core. You moaned at the unexpected contact, grinding back down onto him and getting closer to his shoulder to once again sink your teeth into his skin. You latched on, biting with more force this time. "Fuck~" He groaned loudly, hands traveling to the hem of your shirt to quickly remove it. He began placing pecks onto your shoulders, but you stopped his movements and gently cupped his face with your hand. You tilted his face upward slightly to meet your eyes, his pupils completely blown out with lust and desire. "Yeosang, doesn't this hurt you?" You asked, your thumb rubbing his cheek carefully. He stared into your eyes with a dazed look, barely comprehending what you were saying. His neediness was slowly consuming him. "I like it when you hurt me," he murmurs, his voice raspy and dripping with passion. "I want more."
You were once again taken aback by his words, his sudden confession arousing you more. You felt your slick already pooling inside your panties. You wanted to hear even more of his perverted thoughts. You began slowly stripping in front of him, shedding your restrictive work clothes. He watched your every move, his eyes never once leaving your bare form. "My sweet little baby is a pain slut huh?" You cooed as a blush crept up his cheeks. "I thought you were innocent, Yeosangie. Strip for me." You commanded. He stood up immediately, stripping himself of all his clothing as you asked, sitting back down on the couch and obediently waiting for your instructions. Your heart throbbed seeing such a sweet boy being so obedient for you, his eyes widened in anticipation. You loved him with every part of you, and you were so eager to make him feel good.
You impatiently sat back down on his lap, making him flinch when his tip touched your dripping slit. "Now," you spoke, as his hands traveled to rest on your back. "I want you to tell me all those dirty thoughts you have in that pretty head of yours, okay? It's your turn to do the talking. I want to hear everything," you encouraged coaxingly.
"And while you do," you continued. "I'm gonna make my little pain slut feel good." He whimpered, nodding weakly in response.
He shakily began, "I-I think about f-fucking you all the time—ah~!" He choked out a moan, feeling you slamming down onto his member and bottoming out. Your walls completely enveloped him, making him lose his train of thought. "Oh no, precious," you slurred, almost distracted by the sensation of being so full of him. "Keep talking or I won't move an inch." His face was a bright red, sweat forming on his forehead.
He inhaled slowly, attempting to slow his breaths and start again. "When you're not home, I—" He buried his face into your neck, too embarrassed to say any more. Wanting him to continue, you yanked his hair firmly, the pain making him let out a sweet moan. "If you wanna cum, you'll have to listen to what I say, Yeosangie." You spoke gently with a serious tone. He nodded, and you let him nuzzle into your neck once more.
"I t-touch myself to the thought of you, I just miss you so much when you're not here," he admitted timidly. "I can't stop myself when you tease me, I just can't..." He rambled. Pleased with his words, you began slowly circling your hips around his member, causing pleasure to shoot through Yeosang's body. A soft sigh left his lips at your walls relentlessly squeezing around him. Not wanting this heavenly feeling to stop, he continued, "Y-You feel so good around me, I can't—oh fuck, I can't do this," he whimpered weakly. You felt him twitch inside of you, his hands pulling your sweaty body even closer to his. You began lifting your hips and dropping back down at a quicker pace, reaching your hands around to scratch long lines into his back. The sensation made him cry out, his hips bucking up into you.
"God, I love you so much," he mewled. "You're just so p-pretty..."
You smiled at his words, his praise making you let out soft moans into his neck. You continued to bounce on him, the wet sounds of your skin colliding echoing through the house. "I love you more, m-my Yeosangie," you moaned, his groans bringing you closer to your release. "I want you to make yourself feel good, okay?" You encouraged. He whined in response, gripping your hips and slamming you up and down onto his erection. Every thrust hit your g-spot repeatedly as you used each other for pleasure. You sunk your teeth into his other shoulder, earning a loud cry from him. It was all so much, the sting from your scratches and the pain of your teeth latched onto his skin combined with the tightness of your core was making him see stars. He loved the way you controlled him, every touch from you turned him into putty and he was in love with it. Your fingernails clawed at his skin, his eyes rolling back from the overwhelming pleasure. "Fuck, hurt me more! Harder, please!" He cried. "I'm gonna cum...please let me cum..."
"I'm close, baby. Let's cum together, please," you begged, clenching uncontrollably. His hard thrusts brought you to your high, your orgasm washing over you and drowning you in bliss. Your moans only made him trust into you harder, whimpers leaving his swollen lips. It only took a few more strokes for him to cum inside you with a loud groan as he slowly rode out your highs. His body was trembling as you embraced each other tightly, his seed making you feel full. You inhaled deeply and slightly rose to look at him, taking in the sight in front of you. His neck and collarbones were decorated in red and purple hickies, bite marks littering his broad shoulders. He looked at you with the most innocent gaze, his eyes full of pure love for you. You heart almost melted at the sight of him, his beauty never failing to make you fall for him all over again. "You're so beautiful, baby," you swooned, your thumb tracing circles onto his cheek. "Thank you for telling me how you feel about me~"
His eyes widened as his cheeks took on a pink hue, hiding his face in the crook or your neck out of embarrassment. You chuckled softly as his shyness returned, pressing a chaste kiss onto the top of his head.
"My sweet little Yeosangie~"

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